Chapter 6: I think I'm in love

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A/N: Okay, sorry about the bad grammar in my last chapter. I have horrible luck trying things threw my phone. But I just want to say thanks everyone for reading, I now have over 100 reads and I never expected have that much. So thank you, it really means a lot to me.

Andy's POV

The doctors said that Kathy was going to be okay,  they just needed to give her a couple stitches. I was waiting with Ashley, both of us not sure what to say to eachother. We kept pacing back and forth waiting for the doctor to come out.

Sometime during our waiting, Jinxx, Jake, CC, and Sammi came in.

"Sorry we're late Andy, I had to pick everyone up. How is she?" CC asked, he looked like he'd been crying.

"Please tell me she's not...." Sammi said, clinging to Jinxx as she started crying.

"She's.... She's okay. They are stitching up a couple of the deeper cuts on her arm and when their done we can see her." I sighed, trying not to cry even more then I had already.

After about 20 minutes, a doctor came out.

"Uhm, the family of Kathrine Biersack can see her now. She's in room 201" He said and walked away.

We all ran towards her room, and saw she was awake.

"Kathy!" I sighed, relieved to see her. I ran up and hugged her so tight. "Don't ever do this to me again. Please. I love you little sister." I cried into her hair.

"I love you too Andy. I'm sorry..."  She said, I could tell she was crying. We just at there, hugging each other and crying.I don't know for how long, but after what felt like forever, we seperated.

"Who all is here? I heard you talking to someone who wasn't my doctor." She asked.

"Everyone is Kit Kat. CC, Ash, Jinxx Jake, and Sammi." I smiled, I'm so happy that my sister is okay. She looked more upset though when she realized everyone is here. "What's wrong Kathy?" I asked, concerned.

"I don't want everyone knowing how weak I am." she tried to hold back tears.

"Hey... don't do that pretty girl. You're not weak. If you were weak, you wouldn't of tried talking to Andy or me for that matter when Jason returned. If you were weak, you wouldn't of ran away from him before I found you. If you were weak, you wouldn't of survived the hell your parents put you threw when they found out the daughter they had started to turn into someone like the son they were so proud of." Ashley said, walking in. "Now wipe those tears off your beautiful face sweetheart. I'm here for you, so is Andy and CC and Jake and Jinxx. We all love you and care for you."

Kathy really brightened up when Ashley came into the room, so I decided it would be best to give them their alone time. I may not like it, but I think I can sense the start of something beautiful between those two.

"I'll let everyone know you're okay and give you two some time." I said as I backed out of her room and closed the door. 

All the guys were back in the waiting room, Sammi had went home to get some sleep.

"How is she? Please tell me she isn't seriously hurt." CC said, extremely worried.

"Andy is she okay?" Jake said ontop of CC.

"Is she alright?" Jinxx asked ontop of Jake and CC.

"She's fine guys. Her and Ash are talking right now. She's awake." I said smiling threw tears.

Everyone didn't hide their smiles, and Jinxx excused himself to go see Sammi after hearing the good news.

Ashleys POV

"I'm so glad your okay Kitty Kat." I smiled, trying not to cry.

"Ash... did you mean it?" She asked, I hoped she didn't mean what I think she meant.

"M...mean what?" I said, blushing and looking away.

"When you said you liked me?"

Shit. She meant EXACTLY what I thought.

I sighed, and thought before I answered. I could see myself with her, she is a really sweet girl. She's hot, and I'm sure she is amazing in bed. I do want to be with her, I'm just not sure I'm ready to give up all the other girls yet. But, this could be the only chance I have with her, so it's worth it.

"Yes, Kathy, I do like you. I want to date you, but I don't want us to not work out and something to happen to you because of it." I told her.

"I understand.. and I think I like you too." She told me, and my heart skipped a bit.

"Kathy... do you want to go out with me?" I asked her, somewhat afraid of her answer. I took a chance though.


Once I got Andy's call, I went into panic mode. Kathy tried to kill herself. What if I couldn't tell her the truth? What if I lose her tonight? I was running out to my car, and started crying on my way to the hospital. Jinxx and Jake called me, saying they needed a ride. I quickly picked them up. Jake noticed how bad I was.

"Dude, I can drive your car there if you want. You seem way too out of it."

"I'm sorry Jake, but the girl I...." I stopped suddenly. I haven't told anyone how I truly feel about Kathy.

"We know... you love her." Jinxx spoke up, comforting a crying Sammi in the back seat.

"She's not going to die on us yet. I promise you CC." Jake spoke up.

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence.

We got there, and shortly after, she woke up. Andy went to see her first, and Ashley went with him.

They were there for about 20 minutes, but Andy came back alone.

He confirmed that she was okay, which made my night.

"CC, a word in private?" He asked, and lead me outside.

"Whats up Andy?" I asked when we got outside.

"Don't take this the wrong way, please, but how do you feel about Kathy? Do you like her more than friends?" He asked. Shit. I didn't want to have this conversation yet, but I wasn't going to lie to my best friend.

"I think... no... I know.. that I love Kathy. I am in love with her Andy, and I want to be with her." I told him.

"Well, get up there and tell her, I know she's been wanting a boyfriend and I think you are perfect for her." I smiled as he said that.

"You mean it?"

"Hell yeah man." He told me smiling. "Now go get her." He said patting my shoulder.

"Thanks man." I smiled and ran upstairs. I went to go tell her how I feel, but I stopped outside her door, and heard Ashley and her talking.

"I think I like you too..." she said. My heart broke.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Ashley asked her, and I didn't even stay around to hear her answer. I just walked off, heartbroken.

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