Chapter 4

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Lexi's POV

It had been two days since i had seen Ashton or the others.. Why was i missing him so much? It wasn't like anything had happened between us.. He had given me his number, but it had been programed in my phone.. Which Emma had washed.. I shook that thought away. I couldn't be worrying over that right now.. I was starting a new school today, and that was stressful enough. I hated the nervous feelings i got when i changed schools, not that i had changed them a lot, this was only my fourth school. I wasn't even sure why i was changing again, but Ems thought it was wise for me to have an entirely fresh start.. I guess she was right. At least at the new school, no one would know me or what had happened because of my stupidity.. But then again, i guess Emma was always right. I put on my uniform, grabbed my backback, and went downstairs. Ems was, of course, like every other day, standing at the door with a thermo of tea and a muffin for me. She had done this for every single morning as far back as i could remember. I forced a smile.

"Have a great day at school, Alexis." Ems kissed my forehead.

"Thanks, Emma!" I hugged her and walked outside to the bus stop.

I stood there alone, just thinking while drinking my tea and eating my muffin.


I spun around and was attacked by Erin, who immediately pulled me into a bear hug. All i could do was hug her back, and laugh. My airways were cut off by your tight hug. Thank god i had just finished my tea.

"Heya Erin!" I finally replied once i could breathe again.

"Wait..." She looked at my uniform. "Do you!? Are you!? AHH!! She hugged me again.

"If you're asking me if i attend your school, the answer is yes. Today's my first day!"

Erin grinned brightly at me. "Finally someone cool!!"

I started to say something back to Erin, but Becky and another girl i had never met walked up. I got a bad vibe from the new girl.

"Becky. Becca." Erin hugged both of them.

"Er.. Becca, this is Alexis!" Becky bit her lip, introducing us.

"Hello.." She looked me over. "I don't know you, but i have something to say to you."

I looked at her.

"Stay away from Ashton."

I wanted to say something back to her so badly, but i couldn't seem to form the words. I was so thankful when he bus pulled up. I noticed how tight knitted Becca and Becky were. They stayed together, making sure they had a seat together. Becca even made a smaller kid get up and move so she could have a seat next to Becky. Rude, much? Erin sat with me.

"Don't worry about her, babygirl. She's all talk."


"I saw the effect she was having on you. Don't worry about her!"

"I've only hung out with him once..."

Erin smiled. "There's something about you though..."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

She ignored my questioned and smiled at me as she put her earphones on. She turned her music up, and zoned out. I sighed. Why did she have to leave me confused?

School was uneventful. I had two classes with Erin and even lunch. Two classes with Becky. Sadly, i had three with Becca. I could tell that she didn't like me, but i hadn't done anything to her. What could i have done to make her feel so badly towards me? Was the fact that i hung out with Ashton so bad? I was so confused why she was treating me the way she was too.. It really bothered me. I watched Erin and Becky get on the bus.. I should've been on it too, but i just wanted to walk and clear my mind. I noticed that Becca didn't get on, but i shrugged it off as nothing. I started walking home.

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