Chapter 6

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Ashton's POV

It was not Thursday night, early Friday morning, and i hadn't heard frm the boys about the gig Saturday, so i was guessing i was really out, and Calum had actually found a replacement drummer for me after all.. I wasn't going to stress over it though.. I would find another band, right? It was their loss, right? I kept trying to reassure myself, but it wasn't helping.. I was stressing even though i kept telling myself not to.. I knew they weren't going to get very much energy from the fans now.. They loved us.. US. They loved the four of us as a band.. The fans weren't going to be happy at all with a replacement drummer, but that wasn't my problem. Calum was making a mistake by doing what we had promised our fans that we would never do, replace one of us.. We promised them that no matter what, we'd stay together. I sighed and glanced over at my clock. It was 4:45 AM. Friday was here, and i hadn't slept at all. I decided to just get up and go on my two hour run. I got home around 6:30 from it, showered and ate breakfast that my mum made sure was done by the time i had finished with all that. She knew just how i liked it too. I loved my mum. I couldn't imagine my life without her. I didn't understand how anyone could function without a mother. I thanked my mummy and went back upstairs, collapsing into my bed, closing my eyes. I drifted off back to sleep for a few hours, but i was woken up my some commotion across the street. I usually would have just put my earphones in and ignored it, but for some reason i couldn't. Maybe it was because it sounded like it was coming from Lexi's house. I quickly got up and ran over to my window..

Lexi's POV

My dad had finally came home again last night.. He had been gone for almost six months before.. I had missed him, but he was already ready to leave, and this was my fault.. He hated me and i was sure of it now.. At lunch, he had seen the fresh cuts i had inflicted upon myself the other day.. I thought about lying to him and making up some excuse for where they had came from, but i didn't even try to.. I couldn't. He forced me to take off my jacket and show him all my scars.. Thank God he hadn't made me show him the ones in other places.. He'd only seen the ones on my wrists and lower arms.. I hated myself enough before for them, but now that my dad had shown such disgust towards me, i hated myself more.. He just had stared at me like i was a freak and locked himself in his office, leaving Emma there to comfort me.. He should of been the one holding me right now.. He should have been the one comforting me.. But no.. It was Emma.. She was an emotional wreck over me right now.. She cried so hard with me.. At least she hadn't abandoned me like everyone else had when they found out... Usually when i got this depressed, i didn't talk to anyone, but with Emma? I couldn't stop crying and talking. I told her everything.. I explained why i had done it.. From mum to Becca.. She knew now exactly what Becca had said to me.. How frightened and upset it made me.. She knew how Ashton had saved my life the other night.. That made her smile. She squeezed me tightly in her arms, and she just held me there for a bit longer. She tried to push me to say more about Ashton, but i found myself unable to speak anymore.. Emma helped me up, and she helped me back into my jacket. I smiled weakly at her, and i hugged her tightly, crying a bit more.

After a few hours had passed, my dad finally came out of his office and went into his bedroom. I sighed. He didn't even glance this way. He didn't care. He couldn't bare to look upon me.. I just wanted to die right now.. I needed my father more then i had ever needed him before, and he wasn't here. He was so detached from me.. My older brother was never home.. I only had Emma, and i was okay with that. At least she was there for me...

"Work called.." He walked past me and Emma not looking up, carrying his bags outside.

I ran after him. "Daddy.." I cried out..

He ignored me.

"Daddy.." I raised my voice after he slammed the truck.


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