Full Heart, Empty Stomach Pt. III

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Zayn: recently turned 12 years old

Niall: 13 years old

Louis: 14 years old


Zayn spent the night in the hospital that night so the doctors could monitor his vitals as well as so a doctor practiced in eating disorders could evaluate the boy. Being hardly twelve years old, Harry was allowed to stay the night with Zayn, however, Liam and the two other boys were made to go home once visiting hours ended.

That was probably one of the longest nights Harry had ever experienced. At the beginning of the night Zayn talked to Harry a bit about random things, but Zayn could tell his uncle wasn't too into the conversation so he decided just to go to sleep instead. And Harry wished he could sleep, however, all he could think about was how long his little boy hadn't been eating, or at least struggling with his eating habits. He couldn't help but think about if Zayn was gonna admit to it or deny it. He couldn't help but think about how he'll have to tell this to Yaser.

Morning for Harry arrives after what felt like years. Seeing as though Zayn was still sleeping, he got up from his uncomfortable position and exited the room to make his way over to the hospital cafeteria to get some coffee. The entire escapade takes about twenty minutes- needing to find the place before deciding if he should try and get Zayn something for breakfast. However, finally he manages to make his way back over to Zayn's room where the boy is now seated straight up while talking to a doctor.

"Ah, Mr. Payne, just the man we were waiting for," Dr. Collins says before gesturing to another man. "This is Dr. Wilson, she's one of our specialist here and she's going to do a quick evaluation of you, Zayn."

"Sp-specialist for what?" Zayn asked in a nervous type of voice.

"Don't worry about that, Zayn, I just want to talk to you a bit. I'm Dr. Wilson but you can call me Julie So you're twelve, yeah?" Julia asks with a smile, and Zayn simply nods his head. "So what do healthy, twelve year old boys like to do now and days?"

"Um, I don't know play footie, video games, go out to the movies. Just normal things I guess," Zayn says casually.

"And what do you like to do?" Julia asks which catches Zayn off guard just a bit.

"Um, I like hockey instead of footie," Zayn says simply but Julia gives him a look. "I'm not that into video games, I guess, but I like going to the movies."

"I like the movies, too. What's your favorite?"

"Cast Away."

"Cast Away, huh? Now that's a classic, I appreciate that a kid your age has seen that movie," Julia says with a smile before turning slightly more serious. "What's your favorite snack when you go to the movies? I'm a sucker for sour patch kids and coke slushies."

"Oh, um, yeah I like those too," Zayn says while looking down at his lap.

"Did you have those yesterday before you fainted?"

"I bought sour patches but I didn't finish them because I wasn't that hungry."

"Okay," Julia says before writing something down. "And are you lying to me, Zayn?"


"It's okay, I know this is hard for you, but you don't have to lie to me, buddy. Now can you tell me again if you ate last night?" And all Zayn could do at this point was cry.

At first it was just a small sniffle but that soon turned into a whimper followed by a choked out sob, and Harry was out of his seat within a second as he saw his little boy break down like he's never had before.

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