Full Heart, Empty Stomach Pt. II

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Zayn: recently turned 12 years old

Niall: 13 years old

Louis: 14 years old


"Want to come with us to get pizza after school?" Danny asked Zayn as the four friends were walking in the hallway at the end of the day.

"Um, no, sorry, I can't. Louis invited me to his footie practice today, and I was gonna go to that. I'll go next Friday, though," Zayn said with an apologetic smile and Danny just sighed.

"Yeah you said that last week, too, Zayn," Ant said. "Can we at least do something tomorrow night? Remember we wanted to go watch that new movie, The Other Guys (this prompt is based in 2010)."

"Yeah I already asked my uncles and they said it's fine. I'm really sorry about today, though," Zayn said with a frown and the twins just shook it off before leaving the school. From there, Zayn was quick to walk over to the high school and over to the football field where he quickly saw Louis joking around with a couple of his teammates.

"Louis!" Zayn shouted from the end of the field only to see Louis lift his head before smiling and waving Zayn to come over.

"Hey Zee, what're you still doing here?" Louis questioned.

"My friends couldn't hang out today and Niall already left with his. Thought I'd wait for you to go home."

"I'm not going home after this, though. After practice I'm sleeping over one of my Luke's house."

"Oh, um, I already missed the bus, though. Uncle Liam's gonna be mad if he sees me walking home alone again. Last time I did it, he said he'd spank me if it happened again," Zayn says slightly nervous and Louis couldn't help but sympathize for the little boy.

"You're a fast runner, I bet if you ran you'll get home around the same time the buses do and he won't get mad at you," Louis said and Zayn thought about it before quickly agreeing to the idea.

Zayn was quick on his feet to get to the house before Liam got suspicious. Luckily, though, they don't live too far from the school, so as Zayn approached their block he wasn't totally out of breath. The boy gave himself a couple minutes to catch his breath before entering the house.

"Uncle Liam! I'm home!" Zayn shouted as he entered the house and threw his bag to the wall.

"In the kitchen, Zee," Zayn heard Liam shout. As he entered the kitchen though, all he saw was Liam downing some disgusting green juice.

"Ew what is that?!"

"It's a vegetable protein shake, it's good for you."

"It looks disgusting."

"Yeah, well, not everything can be as pretty as pizza or donuts. Now I'm going to the gym at the station for a bit, do you mind coming with me or do you want me to call Ms. Heffing to see if she'll mind babysitting you until Uncle Harry gets home?"

As Zayn goes to say he'd rather just stay with Ms. Heffing since he didn't really feel like socializing at the moment, a thought occurred to Zayn. While he was running, or anytime he found himself working out, he was extremely happy because he knows he's helping fasten the pace to lose weight.

"Can I workout with you?" Zayn finally asked as he pulled himself up onto one of the stools they have at the counter.

"You wanna work out with me? Really?" Liam asks with an amused smile and raised brows.

"Yeah, s'more fun then going to Ms. Heffing's house."

"I agree with you on that. Why don't you go change real quick and then we'll make our way over to the station." And with that Zayn was running up the stairs, two at a time to get to his room faster before throwing on a pair of joggers and one of his hockey practice shirts. From there Zayn ran back down the stairs and over to the front door where Liam was waiting with his sneakers.

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