Father(les)'s Day

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Prompt request by: @bruhh_itsSammy

Zayn: 6 years old

Niall: 7 years old

Louis: 8 years old


With summer just recently beginning, Liam and Harry had been relatively lenient upon letting the three boys have a bit of fun. For instance when Niall ended up going going over to the neighbor's house without permission since he saw them playing in the sprinklers, Harry decided to let it slide because he still could technically see the boy. Then there was the time where Louis had a friend sleeping over and the two decided to sneak out of their room to play Super Mario Bros at two in the morning, but since it was summer Liam decided it didn't hurt anybody to allow the boys to stay up a bit late. And nobody can forget when Zayn decided it would be alright to walk to Harry's bakery one day because he was craving one of the man's cookies. Liam nearly had a heart attack when the boy wasn't in his bed at the end of his naptime, however, he was quickly put out of his shock when a just as worried Harry called saying Zayn was outside his bakery. Twelve blocks from the house!

So yeah, Liam and Harry understood it was summer, and they understood boys will be boys. However, what they could not understand was why Zayn was acting out so much on this very day. All day long the young six year old has been acting out far more than usual, and far too much for Liam and Harry to let go unpunished.

It started in the morning when Harry went to wake the boy up. One thing Liam and Harry had agreed upon was that even if it was summer they were not about to allow the three young boys to sleep the day away when they could be outside and exercising. So as Harry made his way into the six year old's room, he sure as hell wasn't expecting such a struggle.

"Zaynie, baby, it's time to wake up," Harry cooed as he crouched down to the side of the young boy's racecar bed. However, rather than stretching out his arms and legs before reaching out for Harry to pick him up like he normally does, the boy simply turned his back to Harry as he clutched onto his stuffed bunny.

"Nuh-uh, baby, it's 9:30 it's time to wakey wakey," Harry continues to coo as he rubs the boy's back.

"Wan' sleep uncle Hazzy," Zayn mumbles into his pillow while fisting one of his eyes.

"You can sleep later when you have your nap, bubba, for now it's time to get some food in your tummy. Maybe we can have a bit of a lazy day and just color for a bit, possibly play on the swingset?" Harry bargains as he begins to turn the boy over to face him.

"No I wan' sleep so I'm gon' sleep," Zayn stated matter-of-factly as he pulled the blanket over his head which only caused Harry to sigh.

"Zayn Javaad, do you want me to get Uncle Liam up here? He won't be very happy to hear you're not waking up."

"No uncle Hazza don't get him! Just let me sleep!" Zayn whines while kicking the blanket off of him only to reveal small tears in the corner of his eyes which makes Harry coo.

"What's wrong, baby, huh? Why you so cranky this morning?" Harry speaks as he slowly lifts Zayn from the mattress and onto his lap.

"M'not cranky," Zayn whimpers as Harry begins to carry him out of the boy's room and down the stairs. When the two finally enter the dining room, Liam was just serving out the plates of food to all the boys, so Harry quickly seats the boy down in between himself and Louis.

"Morning, baby. Is a little someone tired today," Liam coos as he places a kiss to the boy's forehead who in return glares down at his food without responding which annoys Liam slightly. "Change the attitude, Zayn. Just cause it's early and you're tired doesn't give you the right to be rude." And to that Zayn feels slightly bad because Liam wasn't the one to wake him up, it was Harry.

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