What's Mine Isn't Yours

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Zayn: 3 years old

Niall: 4 years old

Louis: 5 years old


"Daddy can we get a treat?" Niall asked his father as the family stood in line at Starbucks.

"Yes, but you have to choose between a sweet drink or a food snack, you can't have both," Harry said as he swung his son's hand back and forth while continuing to hold the sleepy three year old on his hip

"If we get a food can we get a juice, though?" Louis asked and Harry couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes you can get a juice, but you boys have got to hurry up because we have a line of people behind us," Harry said.

"Can I get a chocolate cookie and apple juice," Niall asked and the barista smiled and nodded. Louis ended up asking for an orange juice and toffee cookie before finally allowing Harry to order his and Liam's coffee.

"One plain house coffee with cream, one hazelnut hot coffee, and what do you want, baby?" Harry cooed as he began to rub the boy's back.

"Sprinkle cake, daddy," Zayn mumbled into Harry's side, however, rather than immediately saying the boy's order, Harry just froze on the spot because this was the first time Zayn had ever called him daddy.

It no doubt took Harry by surprise, however, after a few seconds he managed to get his thoughts together before asking the barista for the food and then giving her the correct amount of change. The four waited patiently for their food, Harry having an internal battle in his mind about what to do because he knows Zayn probably said it due to the lack of sleep, however, there was always that small thought that the toddler could be forgetting his father.

The barista finally gave the family their food to which the four then quickly left and began to make their way over to the fire station. They were hosting a "family fun day" at the station to help raise some money, and Liam couldn't wait to see his boys having fun on the fire pole and truck as well as finally be able to drink a good cup of coffee.

"Papa!" Niall and Louis shouted when they saw their father standing at the entrance table.

"My boys! Are you excited to play today?" Liam cooed and the boys quickly nodded their heads.

"The excitedest!" Louis exclaimed and Liam couldn't help but laugh at the boy a bit.

"Where's my other little one?" Liam asked before looking over to Harry who was holding a half sleeping Zayn. "Always sleeping, isn't he?"

"Since you had to sleep at the station last night it took a bit longer to get him to go to sleep. He kept insisting that you'd read a story to sleep," Harry explained and Liam once again cooed.

"Hi, baby, good morning. I promise tonight we'll read as many stories as you want," Liam cooed while tugging on the boy's small feet trying to get him to wake up a bit.

"Papa!" The half sleeping boy squealed upon seeing Liam, and now it was Liam's turn to freeze in shock, however, before he could even say anything his loud mouth son decided to speak up.

"He's not your papa, Zayn! He's mine and Niall's papa, he's your uncle," Louis said in a slightly annoyed manner because not only was Zayn taking all of his daddy's attention at the moment, but now he was trying to get his other father in on it.

"Relax, Louis, it's okay," Liam lightly scolded, however, he could tell he was gonna have to have a talk with all the boys later.

"But Papa!" Louis whined.

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