Some Mornings Are Harder Than Others

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Zayn: 13 years old

Niall: 14 years old

Louis: 15 years old


"Tonight's going to be so fun," Danny says as the group of four friends sit together during lunch.

"Yeah I've even got a couple surprises for us," Shahid says with a smirk that has all the boys smiling with excitement.

"Are you sure you can't sleep over, Zay? I bet my mum could talk to your uncles,"Ant offers with a small smile that Zayn returns before shaking his head.

"They aren't big fans of sleepovers, plus I have hockey practice in the morning so I would have to leave early anyways," Zayn says easily. "But don't worry my uncle Harry said I can stay over late."

Danny and Ant had decided to host a sleepover that night and they had invited Zayn, Shahid, and a couple other of their friends. And Zayn wasn't lying when he said his uncles aren't fans of sleepovers because they weren't, especially being so soon after his little hospitalization scenario a couple months prior. However, he had decided to leave out the bit where Harry had offered him to stay the night if he really wanted too, but for some reason Zayn didn't want to.

He loves hanging out with Danny and Ant, and he's had sleepovers with them before already, however in all those cases it was either just the three of them or the three plus Shahid. The boys had told told him that there were going to be about five other guys who they had become relatively close to also sleeping over, and that's when Zayn got cold feet. He was always so nervous the people wouldn't like him or they wouldn't think his jokes are funny, so he just decided to not give them the chance.

As the day goes on the boys continue to talk about their excitement until finally the bell is ringing and Zayn is meeting up with Danny and Ant at the front of the school where they're standing along with six other people.

"There you are Zayn, we've been waiting for you," Danny says as he slings his arm around the boy's shoulder to drag him over to their mum's awaiting car.

"Yeah sorry, had to talk to my coach for a minute, and it's impossible to get through the upper school at the end of the day," Zayn said quietly and Danny just nodded.

As the boys got to the car, they were all quick to throw their things in the trunk and begin to pile in until the back seats was full, leaving Zayn stood alone outside the car.

"Hop in the front Zayn," Sage says sympathetically when she notices none of the boys in the back attempting to make room for him.

And though Zayn would rather sit back with his friends he just nods and opens up the front seat. For the whole car ride to Danny and Ant's house, the boys in the back were constantly shouting over one another with the occasional remark made towards Zayn to change the radio station. However, finally they arrived and everyone was quick out of the car, Zayn being the only one to stay behind and help Sage bring in some of the groceries she had.

"Thank you for the help, darling. Go on with the boys now, and if they're excluding you you know where to find me," Sage says as she places a kiss to the forehead of the boy she's known since he was three.

Zayn makes his way over to the lounge room where he hears all the shouting coming from and immediately takes notice of the FIFA tournament they were playing. Not wanting to really bother anyone Zayn just takes a seat on one of the open bean bag chairs and pulls out his phone.

Obviously the boy would rather be able to talk and hang out with his friends, but he wasn't about to go and ruin their fun so he decided to just sit back and not worry about it. I mean, everyone knows Danny, Ant, and Zayn are best friends. S'not like this is gonna make them any different, will it?

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