Chapter One

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Darry's POV

All I remember about that day was getting the call. The call from Dally's ex-girlfriend Sylvia. She asked to talk to Dallas. I guess no one had told her about him being shot dead 7 and a half months ago. Sylvia wouldn't know anyways because she cheated on Dally and moved away a while back. I didn't know how to tell her, I mean, it's hard breaking bad news to anyone. Even if it's someone you don't like, breaking bad news is always hard.

"Sylvia... Dallas passed away..." I tried easing it into her with a gentle voice. I thought she hung up because she was totally silent for two minutes straight. After the two minutes, I heard a small voice crack into a cry.

"It happened around 8 months go Sylvia."

"I had no idea." Her voice was now a sob. I almost felt bad for her but didn't. She cheated on Dally two times (that we know of) . Dally had been played before by many girls, any girl that did, was not a friend of mine. I don't understand why people do that...

"Well I wouldn't suppose you would because you left him for that other guy. What was his name? Joe? Jewel?"

"Joey." She blankly drawled.

"So when you were having fun with Mr. Joey, Dallas was having a hard time." I implied. She stayed quite for another good minute. I didn't get why she cared, I didn't understand why she called. She obviously didn't care about him enough to stay true to him. I had no pity for her. It made me so mad that she would think she could call and everything would be ok and back to normal.

"Why did you call?" I questioned harshly.

"Dallas got me- got me..." She stuttered then blurted "pregnant, Dallas got me pregnant."

"Can you repeat that?" I laughed from misunderstanding. "I thought you said that Dallas got you pregnant." I laughed.

"He did!" she cried. My heart dropped. How can this be? Dallas would tell me everything, we both would tell each other everything.

"When did this happen?!"

"9 months ago! I'm due in two weeks, I called to tell him..."

"Why didn't you tell him 9 months ago?!"

"Joey didn't want me to tell him." She cried harder. "He got so mad at me because he didn't know I was with Dallas when I was with him."

"That's you're problem."

"I know it is."

"So you were just going to tell him now, hoping he would be all "aww yes I'll come back to you my dear"?


"Well, he's not here. You're too late. Anything else?

"I'm not keeping the baby though. I'm going to give it up for adoption."

I hung up. I needed to calm down, cool off. She was lying. She was just trying to make us feel pity or whatever.

"You alright?" Soda came walking in. I was red in the face so it was pretty obvious to him, I wasn't ok. "What happened Darry?"

"Sylvia called." I muttered.

"What for?" He reached in the fridge to get a coke, popped it open and took a swig.

"Dallas got her pregnant." My mistake was not letting Sodapop swallow before I told him because that swig that he took, went flying out, onto my clean shirt and face.

"Soda!" I growled, he quickly got me a rag from the kitchen then handed me it to clean up.

"I'm sorry man but WHAT. He got Sylvia pregnant?!"

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