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Nick was waiting for me at the doorstep, looking so much better. I walked to him and gave him his cookie. He grinned at me and I gave him a confused look.


"We are going shopping. Ms Cocina asked us to buy the groceries."

Nick linked his arm with mine and dragged me to the grocery store. Since we were 16, we didn't have licenses to drive so we had to walk.

We arrived and there were a couple arguing about football. Nick walked to them and I followed him because he had the grocery list.

"The Eagles are going to win this year ok? Your argument is invalid." The girl said. Both of them looked our age.

"No, Bulldogs were born winners." They continued arguing until Nick interrupted.

"I think the Bulldogs are going to win, ma'am. They won last year."

The girl gave him a death glare and glanced at me.

"Come on, you're on my side." She dragged me to stand next to her. I stood awkwardly in front of the guys.

"Uh.. All I know about football is anyone could win." I said as the girl rolled her eyes at me.

"So your girlfriend not a fan of football." The guy said as he turned to Nick.

"Yeah. My name is Nick by the way. This is Violet." He said while he pointed at me.

"Ian. This girl is Jade." Ian said as he hugged Jade and kissed on top of her head. Jade had long dyed silver hair and gorgeous green eyes while Ian had blue eyes and messy black hair.

Jade and Ian joined us for grocery shopping. They were bored and had nothing to do. Jade was in senior year and Ian graduated last year. She was in the school that Nick and I attended. I was surprised that Nick didn't recognize her because he was friendly. Me on the other hand, not at all.

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