☓Chapter Eleven

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Neymar's POV

It's been about an hour since the whole scene Marc and I (mostly Marc) had over at the cafe. I look to my left and Camila still looks so distressed as we walk through the park.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, putting my arm around her shoulder.

"Nothing, I'm just still in shock." She says looking down. This isn't the Camila I know, the one I know would be laughing at my terrible jokes.

"Ok, want to hear a joke?" I say, wiggling my eyebrows and pulling a funny face. For a moment there I see a faint smile grow on her lips and she's quick to hide it.

"Ooh was that I see?" I tease, nudging her. "But for real, you wanna hear a joke?"

"No." She replies dryly.
"Well too fucking bad because I'm gonna tell you anyway." I joke.

"Alright fine."
"But I'm warning you, it's so bad you're going to piss your pants of laughter." I say. She rolls her eyes and signals for me to continue.

"Ok so why can't you play games in the jungle?" I ask.

"Why?" She asks confused.

"because..... THERES TOO MANY CHEATAHS!" I say and she just scrunched her eyebrows.

"Get it... CHEATAHS, as in cheaters." I say. It finally clicks in her mind and she bursts out laughing.

"aiy dios mio that joke is so bad it hurts!" She laughs.

"Told you." I say. She just smiles and lays her head on my chest before we continue our walk.

Strings Attached // Neymar Jr. Ft Marc BartaWhere stories live. Discover now