☓ Chapter Twenty Three

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*previously on Strings Attached*
I stopped at the sidewalk in front of the road and took a deep breath. I prayed that I would get hit by a car. After all, it wouldn't be that hard considering it was ongoing traffic.

As I stepped onto the road a hand on my shoulder made me freeze for a slight second "Camila Stop!" Marc yelled.

This only made me bolt into the road. My legs were running fast but apparently not fast enough. I felt a force plunge into my side. It felt like ever bone in my body had been shattered as I found myself sprawled on the gravel road.

The sound of Marc's voice and tires screeching was the only thing I recall before the darkness took over me.

~ ~ ~

Camila's POV
"I just want to say I'm sorry. Even though you did me & Marc wrong you didn't deserve to be in a coma."

The voice was like music to my ears. If only I could see its owner. It's like I wanted to open my eyes but I couldn't.

"Well, since we're alone," he continues
"I just wanted to say that I loved you, Amor. I don't know if I still do but- oh hey Jose" he says.

A feeling of panic instantly takes over my body. He just said Jose. Oh my god. If he's talking about the Jose I'm thinking about I'm in big trouble.

"Hey Neymar thanks for letting me know about my daughter." The dreaded voice says.

"No problem. Well, I'll leave you to talk with her." Neymar says.

No no no! Please don't leave! My head screams but of course I lie motionless.

"Thanks man, I really appreciate it." That dreaded voice tells him.
The door slams making me very anxious. I hear the devil himself's footsteps painfully & slowly drawing closer to me.

"It's been a while, Cami." His sickenly sweet voice whispers into my ear.


Marc's POV
"So how'd it go?" I ask Neymar

"Good. Her dad's in there with her now." He says casually.

My eyes widen. What. The . Fuck.

"Umm... Is there something wrong?"

"You let her dad see her?! Neymar how could you be so stupid!"

"What do you mean? It's just her dad."
He says, confused. Of course he would be. I'm the only one who understands how fucked up shit is about to become.

"Her and her dad hate eachother! He almost killed her once!" I yell holding my face.

His jaw drops.

"Oh my god what do we do!"
He says. I just ignore him & run straight through the secured doors that block the hospital rooms as a nurse was exiting.

"Hey! You're supposed to go through attendance first!" She yells!

I don't care. I run as fast as I can towards Camila's room.

Strings Attached // Neymar Jr. Ft Marc BartaWhere stories live. Discover now