☓Chapter Fourteen

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Camila's POV:

"I'm so sorry cami. It's all my fault." A distraught voice tells me. I can't see or move. I feel like I'm stuck. My only connection to my surroundings are my ears.

I instantly recognize the voice as that of Marc. I can't help but miss him and our friendship, even if I have every right to be mad at him.

"I just want you to know that if you wake up, which I know you will, I want you to be happy with Neymar. even if that means having to put myself second" he sighs. "If you're happy I'm happy."

His words warm my heart, but they also bring me confusion. It made realize that he did what he did, because he wants to be with me. He cares. Should I give him a chance? Man, there's a lot to think about when you're in a coma. I thought this was supposed to be resting!

"I say this.. Because I love you." He says and squeezes my hand. I muster up all the strength I can and squeeze his hand back, as if to say 'I love you too' but an image of Neymar flashes through my head.

Is any of this even love?

Strings Attached // Neymar Jr. Ft Marc BartaWhere stories live. Discover now