☓ Epilogue

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"You did amazing out there!" I praised as he came out of the stadium and into the locker room.

He immediately embraced me in a warm hug. It felt so right, even with him smelling like pure ass and sweat. Ok, maybe not ass but definitely sweat.


"I missed you!" He said

"I missed you too!" I replied honestly.

It felt so right to hug Neymar without constantly having to question my feelings for him. I knew what we were and no one could question me about it.
We were meant to be in eachother's lives. No, not in a relationship way, as good friends.  That's what I realized in the time I was away from him and the rest of the team.

I've been taking care of my mother, who still has cancer, for the past 2 months. She's been doing better. But since then I left I haven't seen neither Neymar nor Marc. I've missed them so much! I had a lot of nights to process my feelings and I know Marc is it.

This Whole time me and Neymar were still hugging.

"You know he misses you." He said into my hair. I just smiled. He didn't seem pained, which was a relief. Guess time really does heal.

Neymar lets go and immediately I'm lifted in the air by another set of arms. I look at the face and its Marc! My whole world lit up when I realized it was him!

I squealed and we hugged each other so hard.

"I love you so much." I suddenly said. I couldn't keep it in anymore.
"I was just about to say the same thing." He smiled and kissed my forehead. We just stood there and looked in eachother's eyes for a moment until a certain brazilian interrupted.

"Oh Marc! I love you sooooo much"  Neymar said in a high pitched voice.

"Shut up. That's not what you said when you sucked my big toe last night."
I said playfully.

"Big toe? Bitch please you sucked my big toe and my you-know-what." He continued, obviously lying. But Marc didn't think so.

"Um ok what?" Marc said confused.


"Yep it's. True. But don't worry. It was no strings attached."

Oh god. I don't know what I'd do without these two idiots.

A/N: I know the epilogue is so cheesy like omg. But, more importantly, this is the end of this story 😭 I actually feel like a mom sending her child off to college!

But thank you all so much for reading and voting! You have gotten it so far!  I mean, 16k reads? Thank you!!!!

Hope you liked the characters and all the cheesy ass jokes throughout this story😂
Btw I will probably still make more stories on wattpad so make sure to follow me to stay updated.

Love you lots,

Strings Attached // Neymar Jr. Ft Marc BartaWhere stories live. Discover now