☓ Chapter Nineteen

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Camila's POV:

"Alright, I'll see you at 9" I say before hanging up.

Neymar just invited me to dinner and I'm really excited, yet I can't help but feel guilty.

Guilt. I've been feeling a lot of that lately. I don't know why because I'm not even taken! But my mom has always told me that if you're interested in one person, you should only focus on them. But that's the problem... I want both of them! It's like with Neymar we have a good time when we're with each other and with Marc we can't keep our hands off of each other. It's like I can't imagine my life without either one of them!

I get ready a bit early and the minutes leading up to our 'date' feel like hours.

Finally, it was time for me to head over to the restaurant. As I make my commute, I wonder how the restaurant will look like, how it will go, and how I'm going to make my decision. I've decided I have to choose one of them. I can't have both.

I enter through the door and a host greets me.

"Name please."

"Camila Romero."

"Right this way, you'll be in the exclusive booth. Only the richest get in." He says, but I honestly don't care. I'm hungry and I just want to eat.

I look and see Neymar, my eyes rake his body. I smile at how hot he looks.

"Y-ou look gorgeous." He says

"And you look so handsome." I gush.he blushes, which makes me just want to give him a big hug.

"You're too cute when I make you blush."

"Oh my god! I'm supposed to be making you do that!" He pouts as I laugh at him.

While we wait for our food we laugh and talk about the most random things. Like right now we got into a heated argument over whether or not left-over pizza is better hot or cold.

"Dude! Pizza is better hot because it was served hot in the first place!"

"But it's too much work to put it in the microwave. Plus it just tastes better!" He says.

"Men." I roll my eyes.

"Men." He mimics in a high pitched voice making a face that made him seem like he was constipated.

"Hey, do not sound like that! I whine.

"Yeah I know."


"You sound worse."

He laughs and pecks me right beside my lip. I pout. He notices and smirks at me.

"Just kiss me already, you idiot!" I plead. He puts on a thinking face but quickly connects our lips. The kiss was slow and with passion. Things got a little heated and soon his hand was rubbing up and down my thigh.He hummed as we kissed when he I pressed my knee into his lower region. His hand went dangerously close to my inner thigh when we heard a waitresses voice.

"Right this way."

We quickly collected ourselves and went back to our original position.we both looked at eachother and laughed to ourselves.

"We can finish that later." He whispered into my ear, sending a rush through my body.

I was so pissed at who ever interrupt our little "getting to know each other."
I turn over to the table and see someone I really wish wasn't here.


You know what the worst part is?
He was with another girl.

— — —
This is so random but it just happened to me right now so I have to vent before I go crazy:

So, I kill this mosquito right? No big deal... Until I check it. It looked a little fatter than usual so I thought it was going to have blood or whatever. I didn't see any. Then I see some baby Mosquitos CRAWLING out of the mommy mosquito. Wtf!!!!! Those shits were ALIVE!

I grabbed that paper towel and smushed them for my life. They could've grown and sucked my blood... Aint nobody got time for that😒😂

I feel kinda bad because I killed some innocent little mosquito fetus's. Would that be considered insect abortion? Hey, I wasn't just gonna let them free.. In my room! They probably would've survived! Those bitches were crawling fast!

Ahhh my skin is literally crawling! I hope I killed them all.  I need to sleep before I drive myself crazy. Love you guys!

Strings Attached // Neymar Jr. Ft Marc BartaWhere stories live. Discover now