March 2

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Authors note: Hello! this story is as it said in the description; about Kai.

My reason for writing this is to hopefully live up to a person perspective when something bad happens.

Anyway, if you see this mark -> - <- it means that i will change the story. Because i will make this story in two parts, probably... The firts one is when Kai is writing his diary, and the second part is when i will reflect to before and after he got to the hospital. Or i will just put them in chapters, i don't know yet.

Hope you like it!



March 2:

I don't remember much of what happened before the accident. What I know is that I and a few others, we were going to a place in a city or town. It looked like it was new. A market or something like that. We would just go across the street, but then everything went black. A black spot without entering for someone else, like eternal darkness.

It's the last thing i remember. And some faces. But it's blurry. But I see a guy in my age. He has gray eyes and blonde hair. A little goldden..

Sometimes it is not always as you want..

And I, yeah I'm sitting in a hospital. Do not know how long I've been here. What I DO know is that it is very long. Though it may just be me.

In any case, the doctors told me to write a diary. If I would forget everything. Waste of time, if you ask me.

If you have not already blown it, i can tell you. I have amnesia. On dangerous levels. If i try to remember something, my memory, vanish into thin air. Just like that *snaps with fingers*.

In itself, I just want to forget everything and start over. But then, I might not even remember how to read. And then, I have written all this in vain. Life is hard.

But that's ok. It's not as if I care. If I'm still going to sit here the rest of my life, I might as well just forget..

Just a few days ago, if it was yesterday, I do not remember. So I wanted to remove my oxygen mask and put and end to my suffering.

Ever since the accident, I've had trouble breathing. I kind of heard when i was like halfsleeping when two doctors said that one of my lungs was damaged. But it would be good again. It would only take half a year, one year for it to heal properlly. So if I do not have the mask, I think you get the picture..

So I wanted to take it off. I WAS going to take it off, but.. something stopped me from doing it. I don't really know what I was thinking. Losing my life just because I'm having a hard time right now! Everybody has difficulties in life sometime, right? So I never did it. Otherwise, I would probably not be sitting here writing right now.

Another reason for me to write a diary is that when I'm older and have a *cough* future, then I will read this- book and look back. But if I were to forget, they said I should start writing all over until I forget again. And the chances says I will. I think that the doctors said the chance is 98% great I will. But if I have a little luck, maybe I will not..

I don't know. I do not want to think about it. I would like to live in the moment, but I also want to live in my 'past' life, before I got here. If I ever had any. Maybe one day I will, who knows..


Authors note: So that's all. I think I will upload the parts separate. It's probably for the best.

Just a hint, next chapter Is what happened before and after Kai got in the hospital, so forget about -> - <- that mark.

See you in next chapter.

Emilia Uchiha, logging out.


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