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A/n: hello mina- san! (mina-san=everyone, don't know how it spells though)

This story have become rather hard to write now. It takes a while for me to write just one chapter, so the update schedule might not be as it was before. Just telling you in case!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Ps. This chapter is like a summary of the diary. Argh, it's hard to explain. You'll see for yourself!


Previous in Kai's diary:

'' Well, he's woken up now so we can all breathe out. He has neither lost his hearing or sight. But one thing is clear .. '' said the doctor, and shaded his eyes with the bangs. '' ... He has amnesia .. '' the doctor said sadly. '' I do not really know how much or how great the loss of memory he has, we have to try it before I can move on. ''

But it was harder than he thought.


It was now three days since Kai woke up from his coma. Miwa and the others unfortunately couldn't meet him, because of his amnesia.

Miwa begged for his best friend to get better. Right now, it felt like a hold of his heart. Kai doesn't remember him, nor the others.

And according to Miwa, it's all his fault.

The other tries to persuade Miwa that it is not his fault. But whatever they say, Miwa refuse stop thinking that it's his fault the accident ockured.

The doctors maintains contact with the gang in order to facilitate them on Kai's condition. If something happens, they are among the first to know. Though the doctors goes first of course.

Another day passed and yet another. And just as there had been a week since Kai woke up. Miwa is missing his friend to no end.

The doctors says Kai get's better and better. Or rather, his injuries get's better. But his amnesia remains. Some of the doctors don't think that Kai will ever get back his memories, but they don't know what the brunette is hiding.

And more days went by.


Miwa left school after yet another boring day. And as usual, he went to the card capital alone. But Izaki and Morikawa always managed to catch up with him about halfway. And as usual, they will be welcomed by Misaki.

'' Hey Miwa, Izaki, Morikawa. '' She said, and continued to read the book.

Miwa and the other two sat at a table and waited for Aichi and the others. They arrived a little later and everyone started either talk or play Vanguard. Miwa was quieter than usual and it was noticed by the others.

'' Is something wrong Miwa? '' Asked Aichi with his soft voice. Miwa looked up from the table and meet everyone's worried faces. Miwa looked down at the table again.

'' I just thought of Kai .. '' he said sadly. When Miwa mentioned brunettens name, the gang's face dropped and silence filled the room until a phone started beeping. Miwa picked up the phone out of his pocket and answered.

'' This is Taishi Miwa speaking. '' He said, and waited for the voice.

'' Ah Miwa, this is Kaiss doctor... '' he said. Miwa got a lump in his throat. This couldn't be any good.

'' We have wonderful and terrible news .. '' said the doctor. Miwa listened intently to the doctor's words.

'' The wonderful news is that Kai has regained his memories! '' Miwa couldn't say anything. He tried but they just became muffled noises. '' But the bad news is .. ''


A/n: ahhh I love to be the writter.

So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time!  ^^

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