March 14th

255 12 5

A/n: enjoy!  ^^


March 14th

Roses are red, violets are blue, I want out but I can't shout.

So poetic, right?

Speaking of color and flowers, when I woke up this morning, I saw a vase filled with red roses on the bench beside my bed. There was also a note text to it that sad:

Get well soon  :)

It must have been someone I know who delivered them. Because he/she knew I like red. Red is actually my favorite color, along with purple. And a little green..

I am not one of those people who think that it's unevenly between man and woman, boy and girl. All this shit with boy and girl stuff. The girls are the ones who use pink, red, yellow, white, pastels, etc. While boys are the ones who use blue, green, brown, black etc. Orange is for both. It's just so.. silly.

My cousin, Aiko, who is two years older than me, he loves pink! He always goes around with pink shirts, even his room is pink!

It's like an unwritten rule. Boy and girl things. Girls can love blue. Boys can love pink. Girls can love green. Boys can love yellow.

Anyway, I don't think it was Miwa who delivered the flowers. The clock is noon, twelve, and he's still in high school. And I woke up quite early. Though, it may be because I fell asleep fairly early yesterday..

Want to know something funny? I'll tell you either way..

Yesterday, when I had my so-called ''chat'' with my doctor about my complex brain/mind, I told him about my revived Miwa memories. You should have seen his face! It was quite frankly priceless!!

But then I found out that he wanted to read my diary to see how much of my memories have returned. Ouch. That's not good. I think I have mentioned one or maybe two times how much I hate hospitals.

He also said that the diary is like.. how should I explain.. like my memory bank. The diary is the only place where all my memories are stored, because I'm forced to write them down.

Oh well..

And now, my other doctor, is staring intently at me from the door. And she is of those you don't want to mess with. A young woman around 20+, but someone with such terrible mood swings..

I should probably stop writing before hell falls over me...


A/n: the end!

Such lovely chapter.. Just hope Kai won't get scolded by his doctor!

See ya!  ^^

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