March 4

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Author's note: Hey again. This is chapter 3 and the second chapter of Kai's diary.

I like this story, it means a lot to me. And I hope you will feel the same when you read!

Anyway, enjoy!



March 4

Ugh, my head hurst so much. Everything is so geddy right now. Why does it feel like everything is upside down. Why can't I remember anything?

Right now, I really don't understand. I have read a text that I wrote two days ago. But I have no memory of that at all. All I remember is that everything was black, lonley, and above all, cold.

I have tried to question my doctors about what had happened to me, but they refuse to tell me. They just keeps on saying that it will come in due time. Whatever that means?

It is so strange. I do not even remember what my own name is. But i hear a name in my head, spinning round and round all over. Toshiki Kai. Why is that name so familiar. Why can't i remember!?

It was four hours since I wrote last time. The doctors wanted to do some test. So they had to anesthetize me down. I woke up about an hour ago, but I have been to tired to write.

And my head is a little ductile right now. And I feel dizzy. Maybe not the best feeling..

I do not know what to write. It's pretty hard when you are lying in a hospital bed, in a darkened room, only enough light for me to see. And, when you don't have an eye on the world out there..

The only thing I wish is that I can get out. Leave my hospital bed and breathe in the fresh air. Let the sun shine on my face and just.. relax. However, that won't happen in a while. Because of all my injuries. And my injured lung. The world in unfair.


There you have chapter 3!!

Author's note: Well, when I read this, it's more like Kai is thinking or something. I don't know. I aren't a diary writer. This is the first time for me to write this so please be nice to me!

Anyway, hope you liked it!


Ps. This chapter wasn't so long at all. It will be like that in some chapters. It's pertty hard writing.

See ya


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