March 12th

228 13 5

A/n: hello everyone!! How are you all?

Im just telling you, (in case) this chapter might be borring. I'm out of ideas to the diary parts and I would really appreciate if you could give me some advice!

Well, on with the chapter!


March 12th

My uncle, Tooki, greeted me today. Or rather, he came to talk to the doctor about my health.

Oh well. Not my problem.

If you didn't know, I have, how should I say, a pretty bad relationship with my uncle. He was in and of itself the one who took care of me after my parents died, but then I moved back here to Hitsue, so I haven't had contact with him. But Uncle Tooki is not the person to call someone either. Especially not if you are a busy businessman.

But he came here. It is a first step. Although he did not talk to me personally. After he talked to my doctors, he went back to his luxury villa.

I really want to meet Miwa, too talk about greeting matters. It was a while ago. And I'm not even sure if he knows anything about my revived memory.

Want to know a strange thing? When I woke up in hospital the first time, I'm pretty sure I actually saw Miwa with some others. Or, I did not see exactly, everything was pretty blurry. But it looked like him after rigorous brain exercise.

But all I want right now, and all I yearn to have to do is leave this boring stale place. Frankly, my injuries will soon be only a few scars. Or, yes, my paralyzed arm remains, paralyzed. But it probably wakes up again soon.

Want to know another strange thing? Last night here was chaos. I had nurses around me almost all night. Either they just walked in to check my breathing or something else or they were very confused. But it is understood, this is after all a hospital. And hospitals are full of unhealthy humans with either some kind of sickness, like cancer, have gotten hurt, or those with the same problems I have;



A/n: the end of this diary part!

Well, what do you think? Was it good? Borring?

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