Falling... O1

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"But daddy, I don't want to move to Cali... I want to stay here.... with Jordan. You're ruining my life." I whined.

I'm La'Shea but everyone calls me Shea. I'm your average red bone and I know I'm sexy. I'm 17, a Junior in high school, captain of the volleyball and basketball team, I live in New York, and I'm very popular. Oh yeah! I also have a boyfriend named Jordan. But now my daddy was snatching all of that away from me because he's making us move to Cali. Gosh I don't want to leave!

"Shea, if you don't stop all that whining! We're leaving. Now go get your last bag so we can get to the airport." He snapped.

I just simply walked upstairs and got my last bag. After we got everything in the car, we was on our way to the airport. This is the hardest thing I think I've ever had to do. I have to leave everything... E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G behind. 

When we left for the airport, my parents kept talking about how great Cali was going to treat us. I didn't want to hear that. So I plugged my Beats into my iPhone 5 and texted Jordan as I sung along in my head. Everything that Jordan was telling me was making me want to cry... until that ONE thing he said.... then I was happy I was moving.

Text Convo

JayBear - I'm gonna miss you

SheaBoo - I'm gonna miss you too v.v I don't wanna go UGH!

JayBear - Yeah v.v and I haven't even gotten any yet...

SheaBoo - Df?

JayBear - I was just kidding o.o

SheaBoo - Nah nigga fuck you, you know how i feel about that shit. don't text me or call me , Ion wanna talk to your punk ass

JayBear - Damn Shea -.- can't take a damn joke...

Text Convo End

After that I changed his name in my phone to Jordan and ignored all his texts and calls. This nigga had me fucked up. I don't think he understands when I tell him that I'm waiting for the right time. Ugh! I swear he gets on my nerves half the damn time. Shit I ain't got time for his bullshit. I took off my Beats because I heard my dad yelling my name.

"Yes Daddy?" I said innocently.

"I said, I suggest you get sleep on the plane, because when we get to Cali, you have to go to school." I knew he was being serious, so I didn't even question him.


Those were the last words exchanged with me and my dad until we got on the plane. When I got on the plane I went straight to sleep. Cali here I come.


A little after 6 hours my dad woke me up. We went straight to the new house, which was already furnished, and I took a shower to get ready for school. It was 7:50 when I started driving to the school. When I pulled up to Crenshaw High School, I had a feeling that niggas was gone be drooling over me. Ugh! Here we go.


"Yo my nigga, did you see the new girl. She a bad ass red bone bruh." My nigga Quez was telling me about this new girl. I just nodded my head and continued walking.

I'm Drell. 17, Junior, live in Cali, sexy, QB of the football team, and captain of the basketball team. I had all the hoes falling on their knees for some of me.

I was walking past this girl and looking at her ass as she walked and ran into someone. They dropped all their books. We both bent down and tried to pick them up at the same time and bumped heads.

"Ow." We said at the same time rubbing our heads.

"My bad ma." I looked at her but she didn't look familiar.

"Whatever. If you wasn't so busy looking at ass then maybe you would be able to watch where you're going." She rolled her eyes at me.

"I said sorry damn." She tryna act like I'm not a sexy ass mofo.

"Whatever." She snatched her books away from me and walked away.

I could tell that ole' girl wasn't from here by the way she walked, talked, and her swag. This must be the new girl that Quez was talking bout. I have to get her before anyone else does.


I have to admit the dude I ran into a few minutes ago is sexy. I'm not gone let him know that though. I can tell he is very cocky, and I don't play that shit. Whatever though. I was in the bathroom looking in the mirror to fix my make-up when someone... actually two people walked in.

"OH MY GOSH! You're new aren't you?!" The first girl said. 

She was pretty. Dark-skinned. Kinda short. Very pretty. Looked like she played sports too.

"Yeah." I said a little nervous.

"OH.EM.GEEEEEEE! HI I'M MYA! NICE TO MEET YOU!!!!!!" The second girl said shaking my hand. I couldn't help but laugh.

She was pretty too. She looked like a red bone. Thick. Also looked as if she played sports.

"Hi I'm Shantii." The first girl said cheesing really hard.

"I'm La'Shea, but you can call me Shea." I smiled. I like these girl... they chill.

"OH.EM.GEE! You should be our new bestfriend. We need a third person. We'll teach you everything there is to know, from the players to the nerds. We got you babess!" Mya is hyper.

This seemed like a good chance to make first so I took it. "Sure!" I smiled super big. 

After we got to know each other a little better, I showed them my schedule, they showed me around, and told me they would show me everybody and their "Status" at lunch. When we had to split, I wish we never did. Niggas wouldn't keep their hands off my ass and girls would not stop staring at me with envy. Ugh! Lunch please hurry. 


So you like? Yesh ? Yesh . I will start doing the funny A/Ns on chapter 2 . :D I have a good feeling about this book. Shout out to @xoxobeauty aka La'Shea @TattedLife_Jay aka Jordan (baahahahaha he didn't know I put him in my story o.o) @myaa0012 aka Mya @shantii14___ aka Shantii . Also Shoutout to my friends in RL that wanted to be in my story Drell, Quez, and some other niggas that'll come later :D Kay Byeeee c;

-- Jaiie <3

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