Falling... O6

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Okay Babes since I've been getting "when are you going to update?" "can you please update i love this book" update please" I though this was the time to update. Im late as hell but her, atleast im updating right? ahah. BTW go check out my new books babes <333

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Shea POV

I woke up earlier then my alarm was set for. I got up from my bed, headed to the shower to get ready for school. As I washed my body I remembered about last night with Drell. That was one of the sweetest thing a guy ever done for me. For a second I did thought he was going to pull a move on me and do something to me, but I was wrong about him. He really is different from the rest.that I've dated and well better then my ex -.- that nigga a damn lame. Drell's pretty face and his lips looked so good when he stared at me into my eyes. Just seemed to be soo dreamy at the moment and seemed like I was in a dream.

But anywhore . . . Okay it really seemed like I'm sexual since I was thinking about him in the shower, but it ain't like anyone does that? Space off into space and thinks about what goes on in life and all that shxt while in the shower? I do it all the time tho. Plus Jordan is over there doing him so might as well I do the same. I'll just move on? I think that will work for me.

Drell POV

I really did enjoyed my time with Shea tho. She is just a beautiful girl who I still can't believe that a nigga will try and do her wrong. I mean, she has the sweatest and most amazing personality, her body is well you know damnnn, and the cutest lauh I had ever heard. To be honest, I don't know why

 that nigga Jordan would cheat on her. Yeah, they are far, but just because your far don't mean it someone's fault.  Life just happens and you have to try and work with it, not make it worse. Anyways that ain't my business, what's my business is now Shea, and how she feels about things.

I really hope she enjoyed our time alone, because I know I would't trade that moment for anything else. I want her to know it's real and I ain't here to fuck with her heart. I want her trust and love and sex, all that can wait till we are both ready, we have a long life to live, so why rush?

I got up my bed and headed straight for the shower. My showers are quick, about 15 minutes long. Unlike females who take hours and hours in the shower, doing what tho?

* 15 Minutes Later *

As soon as I stepped out the shower I got a text. I looked t my phone and it was Shea or as in my phone it was BabyMomma. Don't ask me why tho.

* Text Convo *

BabyMomma: " Hey Drell, I just wanted to thank you sooooooo fuckin much for last night. It was one of the best days of my life so far. Thank you for being sweet and kind with me. I swear you really are different then any guy I have talked to. It's like a dream come true. I wanted to tell you and hug you in person but I couldn't wait to tell you! lol, ohhh and good morning! ^.^ "

Drell: " Awww beautiful good morning to you too, and you aree sooooooo welcome hun <3 And you can still hugg me tho ;) ahaa

BabyMomma: Lol, ok ok we'll see, and Imma go finish getting ready or I'll be late lol, I'll see you later <3

Drell: Oh you sure will.

* Text Convo Ended *

As soon as I walked out the bathroom but naked, I rushed and put on some clothes on. Then got my shoes, phone, car keys and headed out to go pick up Shea and suprise her. I wanted to end a special night with a romantic good morining gift. And noooo I'am not going to rape her.

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