Falling... O5

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"Come on Drell!" I could hear Shea yell for me to hurry up.

We went over to my house so I could shower and change. Now she was rushing me. -.-" I hate it when people do that.

"I'm coming!" I ran down the steps to see her laying on my couch watching TV. I ran over to her, picked her up, and ran outside.

"Drell put me down!" She screamed and kicked, but I won't letting her go. I put her in the car and closed her door. I got in on the other side, and began driving.

You can just here Shea saying "Are we there yet?" Like in Ice Cube's movie. "No Shea now calm yo tits we'll get there soon"

I know she was still wondering where I was taking her, and yes if I was her I would be wondering the same thing. She probably thinks i'mma do something bad to her but I ain't like no other nigga she been with. I wanna show her that not all guys are the same. I wanna make her feel comftable with me.

"Okay Shea put this blind fold on and don't peek till i say so." While I was still driving us there.

"Drell yo ass better hurry than, im impatient and I wanna know where your taking me. You better not try to rape me!!!"

All I could of said was nothing and be quiet before we end up crashing.

After hours of driving we had arrieved. I had carried her so she won't be able to tell where I took her at. "Okay Shea take off your blindfold." As she was slowly removing her blindfold i can see she was nervous to see where I had taken her.

"OMG! Drell! Are you serious?

I could of tell that she was surprised and happy at the same time.

"Thank you for this, thank you sooo much Drell. No other man had ever set up this wonderful picnick at the beach for me before. It's so romantic and i'm just glad I met a wonderful man like you."

"Well ma I had to prove you somehow I ain't like those other lame ass niggas that play games and all they want to do is get in your pants. Just like no female is the same either, we're all different and can't be put in the same catagory." Egh! I sounded like an adult trying to let her know how I felt about her.

It was a wonderful day outside and we spent most our day at the beach, relaxing and talking. We didn't even realize what time it was so after we seen it was past 12a.m. we rusheh to the car and slowly began driving. Don't want to catch no popo's and didn't have time for their BS right now. Yeah we both may alomst be 18, but we still live under parents and laws rules.

As soon as I took her home I had parked to let her get off when she had kissed me. 

"I don't want you to take it as if I want to have sex because i'm waiting for the right guy. But as if your been the best and well I can't lie that you showed me a great time tonight."

As with that said she walked off and I just starred at her while her booty was swinging from left to right.


My gawd did I really just kissed him? When his lips had pressed and touch mine I just felt like I melted. I had to say some stupid shxt, why couldn't I kissed him and got off? Oh well I had a blast. He certainly is different from the other guys. The way he treated me tonight, I will never forget what he done to show me he's like no other.

Wait till I tell Mya and Shantii what had happened.

It was like a dream, more like a fantisy. Something a girl would dream of but would really never get it. Well damn he made me feel like a prncess. I ain't gone lie about it either,

Well time for me to get some rest, I have school in couple hours and I don't have time for being tierd and falling asleep in class.

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What did you guys really think he was taking her? 

What you guys think will happen next?

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