Untitled Part 1

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I've seen a lot of these lately so thought I'd do one for y'all. Probably gonna be more CaptainSwan than anything. {{JUST FOR FUN}}

-CS (CaptainSwan)




-OQ (OutlawQueen)

-Outlawmaid (who said one-shots had to be about good ships ;) Whaha)


-SwanQueen (not in a gay way...)

-CharmingSwan (father daughter one-shots)

-WhiteSwan (mother daughter one-shots)



-SwanBeliever (mother son one-shots)

-MadBeliever / TruestHatter (Henry and Grace)

These are all ships I'll be doing...

And I've noticed nobody ever really does MadBeliever/TruestHatter one-shots/fanfic so so I'll be doing some of those too!

Hope y'all enjoy! Request any stories if ya want to!

One Shots for OnceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora