Chapter 2: Sudden Confession.

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Len's P.O.V

I just woke up from an amazing dream last night, it was about a world full of bananas! Yes, bananas are the best fruit or berry or whatever ever!

I looked up from the roof's window. Yes, our roof has a window. The sky is pure blue, well sky blue I mean, it looked so beautiful, I turned to the right side of the bed, I was shocked about what happened. Rin woke up earlier than me.

I walked to my cabinet and skimmed some shirts and jeans that I'm going to use for today, after 15 or so minutes I have decided what to wear. It took me a long time to choose one, like a girl. I went out of my room and went downstairs and I have seen her again. The leek eating monster.

"Hey Len, Mikou and I are now going to stay with you guys." Miku said excitedly. 

Shit. She's staying here with her brother. Now what? I can't play the 'Pervert-But-Cool-Brother' thing.

"Really? Great!" I responded sarcastically as I went to the fridge in the kitchen, drinking some milk then I went back to the living room and took a sit at one of those vacant chairs that hasn't been sit upon on.

"Thought it's only for this night." Miku said and yes, I'm guilty of feeling so happy that the leek eating monster and her brother won't live here for long!

"Perfect!" I said with a thrilled voice.

"Why are you so happy about it?" Miku asked, as if sensing something that I was up to something today but she had broken all of my plans just because of the two of them going to stay here for the night. Well nonetheless one night is better than living here with us for a week or month or a year, or even for our entire life which won't happen since I'll definitely kick them out from this house for sure.

"Nothing." Making it obvious that I was up to something.

"Len, get us some drinks, will you?" Rin asked me


Rin's P.O.V

As Len was getting our drinks, the atmosphere in the living room turned silent. I was about to ask something to Miku regarding about the concert for the Story of Evil but then she asked some questions that totally caught me off guard.

"Rin do you like Len?" she asked, grinning, as if she's expecting me to say yes; though obviously I won't since why the hell would I like my brother that way. Especially if he's my twin! Though.. I do think I like him. Actually, I do, I'm just lying to myself that I don't but still, I won't say it. But wait, she might just have meant the I like him as my brother, that's probably it right? Yeah, it is!

"Of course! I do like him, he is my brother after all." I smiled. Hoping that's what she meant by like.

"I mean, do you like him as a man?" She asked, grinning again, and it looks like Mikou is quite disturbed by his sister's question and he said he's just going outside to get some fresh air and while I've returned back to my senses after he went out I just remembered that she's totally asking me if I like my brother that way.

"Of course not! What kind of question is that anyway?' I felt like I was burning up with embarassment inside. Bloody oranges! Len's already coming back.

"What are you guys talking about?" Len asked as he was giving us the drinks and he looked a little bit confused when he looked at me.

"Thanks!" Miku said, taking the glass from Len.

"Rin why are you getting red?" He asked me.

"Nothing, it's just quite hot, that's all." I lied. Seriously, I hate it when Miku does this kind of stuff! I'm going to get my payback in the future.

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