Chapter 12: The Kagene Twins.

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I couldn't believe it. That news was so unexpected, Rin and I aren't really twins.. But how? It's too good to be true.. Rin and I look very identical especially when I won't do my ponytail hairstyle. If Rin isn't my twin, then who is she? Is she my identical cousin or something? Well as if identical cousins does exist.. hmm o.o .. What happened to our aunt for the last few years? 

" Hey Len, are you okay? " Rin went inside our room, bringing some snacks that I asked her to bring a few minutes ago.

" Yeah I am. I was just so shocked about what Neru said a few hours ago " I replied, then I stood up.

" Same here.Hey, Len.. If we aren't really twins... does it mean that we could say this to the public without fearing of getting hated by them? " Rin asked. It really looks like she wants to tell our fans about our realationship huh? 

" I don't know, I think it's best to keep quiet for now, and besides we should not tell them about what's happening. " I explained, saying that it's not a good thing to do, and besides, the ones who tried to kill us before might know us and might track us.

Two weeks passed by, Rin and I were in the studio, recording for our new album, " Blue Summer ". As soon as we've got to take our 30 minute break, there, I saw two other twins, a boy and a girl, I think they are new, the girl has a soft brunette hair and heavenly yellow colored eyes, the same as her brother, but her brother's hair looks a little bit much more darker, and you can barely see it's brunette color. Now that I've thought about it, Neru did told us that the guy who's taking to Tei said " So, they're the wrong kids we are looking for. " since that guy said " kids " does that mean they are not only looking for a single kid but 2 or more kids? Or is it that they are looking for some " Twins " .. Well, I doubt it is those two that the guy's looking for.

I stood up and I took Rin with me, we walked towards the other twins to ask who they are.

" Hi, I'm Len, I'm pretty sure you've already knew me, what's your name? " I asked the girl.

" Hi, I'm Kagene Rui. " She replied, with a vague voice. while I was introducing myself to Rui, Rin and Rei were talking. Introducing themselves.

" Whale, whale, whale, just look at them, two set of twins talking to each other. " Miku appeared out of nowhere.

" Could you please stop with your stupid jokes Miku? They aren't funny. " I said

" Okay okay, Rei, Rui, the manager is calling the both of you. The recording will start soon. "

" Okay. Rui, let's go " The twins left.

When the twins left with Miku, I told Rin to come with me to see them singing, after all, it would be my first time seeing those to sing. When we arrived to the recording room, Rin and I sat down to listen to the twins.The music was starting,.. it was so familiar, as if that I was still in our house, back with Luka before the fire. 

A few seconds later after the music started, Rui began to sing. Rin was shaking, I could see it, I held her hands as we listened, and there, also I was shaking.

" In the growing night 
The moonlight shines down on my fears
And adorns all my wretched sorrow

Let it sing with fright 
Entwine and immerse in our lives 
We can't stop their dance in the dark "

The music, the song that she is singing, it was the song that Luka, our aunt sang to us before the fire started. I barely remembered it, but it is the song that Luka sang! The song was so dark, it's as if, it's a song of a Demon, but still... it feels so innocent, as if you'll feel that the song cares about you, as if you could feel the song hugging you. a few seconds later Rei also began singing his part.

" The secrets you gave me 
Unravel into new meanings 
I can't see through the night
Even so I will run blind "

Those lines.. who are they? now it's getting mysterious, the music, it slightly changed from what I remembered, it's a bit more, eerie, the sense of innocence was gone, replaced by hatred. 

" Lacrimosa once again 
I will love this world's beauty 
That is now gone 
Dead to my eyes
It vanished that day 
Shattered at dawn 

Don't let dreams show in your eyes 
Hide the light deeper inside 
With all the tears
You should have cried 
Tormented heart, 
You're tainted by your own fears "

This is definetely new! They've changed the lyrics! What does this mean? Who are they? As far as I know, Luka was the only one who knew the song.. but how did they? 

Minutes later, after the recording Rin went home on her own, I went to the twins and told them it was a great performance with the fact I was a little bit.. or pretty much very creeped out of what happened, minutes ago.

" The way you guys sang was great! But where did you learn that song from Rei? Rui? " I asked them, I really want to know where they've learnt the song. I'm pretty sure it was from Luka. I'm sure of it!

" Thanks Len, but I can't tell you, after all, it's the Gemini's secret. " Rui said, as she gave me a smile.

" But. "

" Rui, let's go, I'm tired. " Her brother said, seems to be irritated.

" Okay then, Len we gotta go, bye! " 

" But wait! "

" Sorry we gotta go, see ya next time Len! " Rui said, as she cheerfully ran to catch up to her brother.

I'm really confused, who are they?

NOTE: I don't own the song in the story, the title of the song is " Lacrimosa " by Kalafina. An ending song from the 1st Season of Kuroshitsuji. 

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