Chapter 7: Horrible day

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Rin's P.O.V 

"Finally she went out from the house"

Two hours later

-phone rings-

"A message from Len? He's wasting money he should have just went up over here unless he went outside"

- I went to the table to get my phone and I've red the message -

"Hey Rin can you go to the mall later at 12:00 PM in Zoey's cafe because I'm bored staying in the house in the middle of summer"

"Yes" I replied,it was already 11:20 so I went to the cabinet and picked some clothes to wear.

Len's P.O.V

*Damn it! I'm late* I ran as fast as I can but I only happened to bump someone and it was Kaito and the papers he was holding fell

"Kaito Sumimasen! ( I'm sorry ), I was going to see Neru but I'm kinda late" I apologized as I'm helping him getting the papers that fell

"It's fine" he said while getting those papers on the floor

*he looks excited I wonder why?*

"Kaito what are you doing here outside of a music company?"

"I'm waiting for Miku, and I just pass the audition!" Kaito explained happily

"Good for you so next time all of us can go to the stage together"

"Yeah" Kaito said

"Well I gotta go"

"See ya"

I was running and running and there she is! Finally I arrived I went inside and went directly to the place where me and Neru are going

Neru's P.O.V

*There he is! I thought he won't come, I should get ready*

"Neru, I'm sorry that I'm late" he apologized

"It's fine Lenny-kun, lets go inside"


It's been 15 minutes since we're at the cafe Rin should be here in any moment now

Rin's P.O.V

"WHY?! WHY?! Why would the concert will start this afternoon no one told me before explain this Gakupo?!" I complained

"Because the ratings of the last concert is pretty high "daughter of evil" became more popular since 2 months passed by" Gakupo explained

"Will Len be there too?" I asked curiously hoping Len will come so I have no problem for him waiting for me

"Unfortunately no" he said

"WHAT?! Can't we just move it tommorow?"

"No we can't if we will move it tommorow, it will be the concert's end"Gakupo explained

"Fine,I'll go" I gave up hopelessly then I went inside a Lamborghini the concert will be held in Tokyo it might take an hour to arrived there and the concert will also start in 3pm and will end at 4pm so I might arrive back here at exactly 5:10PM

Neru's P.O.V

"Wow, Neru try this its good!"

"Ok" I smiled, then I tasted the food

"Wow it is good!"

"Yeah the chef who cooked this is a master haha" he laughed

*where's Rin?! She should have arrived 10 minutes ago well if she won't come then its my turn to shine :D*

"Hey Len, lets go to an amusement park"

"Yeah! I would love to, it's been years since I went one" Len excitedly said


3 hours later

Rin's P.O.V

"Riliane, Riliane! The concert is about to begin!" My friend Shiina reported

"Shiina stop calling me Riliane, it's only my role name from "Story of evil" ( in the real manga it's Aku no Meshitsukai ) ok? I'll be going now"

"Good luck Rin!" Shiina cheered for me

-fans screaming and cheering- 

I've went outside there they are, a lot of my fans cheering for me, before it makes me so happy if they cheer for me and Len, this is my first time singing without Len, I don't know what to expect will happen


"Mukashi mukashi aru tokoro ni..."

Suddenly I remember Len..

- trips a wire while singing and fell down-

Shiina's P.O.V

"What's going on?! Why did she stopped singing?" I asked worriedly

"Ma'am, Rin fell and I don't think she can continue singing" my assistant reported

"WHAT?! Lets go and get her!"

*fans booing*

"Wait please let me continue" Rin begged

"No, you're pretty tired you should go or you might get sick" I explained

"But the ratings will go low" Rin explained

"I don't care about it, I'm worried about you"

"Thanks for being a friend... Shiina"

"Don't worry about it"

2 hours has passed and we left Rin to the mall as she wants to go

Rin's P.O.V

I've arrived late at the mall it was 5PM in the afternoon

-I've went to an amusement park- because there's something I can buy to eat there,because Zoey's cafe is close now

-I've walked and walked and walked and there I saw Len, WITH NERU! And it looks like they were about to kiss!


-then he saw me so I ran-

Len's P.O.V


-I've ran to chase her and left Neru-

"Len, wait!"

"Sorry gotta go"

I've chased her but when she went across the road the cars blocked my way, after that I've lost her..

"Damn! What a huge misunderstanding! I should go home and explain to her what me and Neru were doing..."




Shiina is not a vocaloid i just add another character for the story 


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