Chapter 9: Dress like a maid!

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Rin: Guys guess what? I accomplished a huge goal here :D

Me:And what is that?

Rin:Hehehe, uhm wait you should know! You're the one who created this whole story

Me: oh yeah...

Rin: You update so slow *Rin murmured*

Me: So what did you accomplished?

Rin: I'VE LET LEN WORE A MAI- *runs*


Me: Oh... well let's go continue the story, sorry for making you guys wait so long  \(^.^)/


"Len is such a jerk, he said he loves me but why is he with Neru?" I've punched my favorite pillow with his picture in it a lot of times until all the feathers inside went out. I think I was overeacting that time since I was in full of stress from that UNEXPECTED concert, oh dear god what will happen to my life in the future? Especially when I have this Bubblegum stuck on my head

I slowly went downstairs checking if Len was there, at my surprise he wasn't I think he was tired of running chasing me since when I lost him, hmmmm I wonder how did I escaped? Oh yeah!

[Back at the chasing scene]

"Why is he with her?!" Oh now look it's a red light but I'm gonna risk it, oh hell I am! I've crazily did run towards the other side of the street even though a lot of cars are passing by but then one track almost hitted me and I fell in to someone... 

"Ouch! Can you please watch where you are going, you might get someone killed." The girl complained

"Sorry I was just running away from someone..., wait is that you Shiina?" I was full of surprise to see her walking at the street, she rarely walks out since she's a pretty rich friend of mine, she dislikes going out from her house without her car since she thought most people outside are dirty and evil except for my fans, and the other reason why she doesn't go out from her house is that she has a Bacteriophobia which sucks since that might be the worse phobia in all of it since there's a lot of germs in the city.

"Rin? Is that you? IT IS! I'm so sorry if I was so mean to you." She bowed her head down and asking forgiveness desperately

"It's fine, can I ask you for a favor? I want you to send me back at my home please! Like right now!" I asked desperately but when Len was catching up I ran away as fast as I can bringing Shiina with me

"Okay! Just follow me the car is just behind that building. She drag me along with her to the back side of the building and we went inside to the car fast going home

"EWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIN THERE'S A BUBLEGUM ON YOUR HAIR!" Shiina Shouted she was kicking me away from her and my face was sticking on the car's window


"Just stop that! OUCH! MY FACE IS BEING SQUISHED HERE!" I've kicked her back at her shoe then she complained a LOT more then she kicked me at my shoulders, which is the my most weakest area!

"OUCH! MY SHOULDERS STOP KICKING ME!" I complained then I kicked her at the face accidentally and then... it got worse

"EW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GERMS IN MY FACE!!!!!!!" We both fought endlessly at the car till we've reached home and then my face was screwed up, having a friend that is incredibly rich makes life harder doesn't it?

"Hehe sorry about that Rin-chan, here have this" She gave me a box of makeup... how spoiled can she get too?

"Oh geez thanks, well I gotta go inside now." 

"Okay, bye!!" 


"Well eating an orange while remembering what happened is kinda fun huh?" I asked my self and then the doorbell rings, I've went up to my room and pretending that I was asleep before Len caught me, IF it was Len.

As I was pretending to be asleep I forgot to lock the door at our room then I heard some footsteps, it is quite impossible for Miku to come home tonight since she's with Kaito for today and tommorow so i'm pretty quite sure it was Len.

"Sheesh she's asleep gotta go and talk to her tommorow, i'm tired for that running anyway and i'm full of sweat I shoud go and take a bath" I've heard him talking to himself, slowly when he went to his room I was going to prank him for some payback about going with Neru without telling me, I went to the bathroom and change the shampoo with an colored pink hair dye I switched the two from their bottles and putted it to the bathroom I also putted the hair grower that Shiina gave me, I don't know if it works but we'll see.

"Oh I can't wait to see at the look of his face after this" I swiftly ran to the bedroom pretending to be asleep and waiting for him to notice but... I was so sleepy suddenly all places turned black and before I knew I was already asleep.

[6:20 AM]


"I'm sooooo sleepy I should drink some coffee downstairs" I was heading downstairs and to my eyes I saw Len's har colored PINK.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LEN JUST LOOK AT YOUR HAIR YOU LOOK LIKE A GIRL, especially with that long hair of yours!" I luaghed mercilessly while watching his red face.

"SO YOU DID THIS?!" He shouted.

"Ofcourse I did that's revenge for going out with Neru yesterday." I said.

"So you forgave me?" he asked.

"Nope." I said as if I didn't care.

"Fine what do you want me to do then" he asked and then a sudden GREAT IDEA came up with my mind.

"So you'll do everything for me? Is that it?" I asked in a creepy, evillous tone.

"ye-ah." he said slowly.

"Fine, for this whole day, you're my slave!" I proudly said to him.

"WAIT WHAT, but-" I interrupted him before he completed his words.

"No buts, Buts are for horses now listen, go and dressup like a maid." I said making him suffer, well that is revenge for this things hehe..

"MAID?! NO WAY!" He complained

"Oh really? How about posting this picture of you about peeing in the bed till 10 years old" Actually i'm getting good at this kind of controlling stuff.

"HOW'D YA KNOW!" He was blushing as hell as sooo cute enough to give me a nosebleed from his cute embarrased face.

"Oh, nothing just go and do it." I said.

"Fine." he gave up.

"This day is going to be a great day." I said to myself.


Rin: Hey, hey can you please click the vote button since most of the total votes are 48 and our goal for now is to reach 50, that would make me and master happy, he's there hiding 

Me: *blushes* uhm... no I'm not

Rin: And of course not to mention I'll post a picture of Len in a maid outfit in the next chapter if it reaches 50 :D *chuckled*


Rin: Fine

Len: Good.

Rin: I will still do it, if you just vote the story *whispers* and before I forget master will update a lot earlier if you'll vote, it inspires him :)

Hehe thanks for reading guys,

Fan, Vote, Follow <3 XD

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