Chapter 6: Going to the mall

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Before anything else, in chapter 7 I might change things on how I write stories to make it a bit more interesting so yeah... XD

Neru's P.O.V

"How should I come in? Hmm, I should make this fast so the plan will work," I thought to myself. I was brought back to reality when the doorbell rings and Rin opened it.

"Oh hi Neru, what brings you here?" She asked and she sounded as if she's been disgusted. Is it because of me? Well then...

"I'm here to visit Len; can I come in?"  

why do I have to ask nicely? Arghh she annoys me!

"Why do you need to visit him this early?" She asked agian

*argh! If you weren't here this would all be easier to visit him but I still need you for my plan*

"It's none of your business so let me in!"

"Everything about Len is my business!" She responded

"Oh really?"

"Yes now tell me why are you here?" She asked

"I just want to ask him if he has my phone because I think I left it here yesterday"

"Oh I see you can come in, well for now" she said

*dont be so sure about that idiot I can come here anytime I want and really? My phone is with me how can she believe that?"

Finally I went inside and there she is agian, I've met her this week twice and I never would have thought she's staying here with them, Hatsune Miku every time I see you I feel so angry, she's my rival in music since the 5th grade till now in highschool.

"Oh hi Neru long time no see, did you know I met someone who sounded like you?"Miku asked

"It was me idiot!"

*how dumb*

"Oh really you should have talked to me like those past years"

"Yeah yeah, btw when did you start living here?" I asked

"2 days ago but I was just supposed to stay here only in a night but I changed my mind instead I'll stay here until the next 5 months"

"Oh.. Ok"

Rin went to us and told Miku about a music company and she might get late.

"Miku you must go or you'll be late"Rin told Miku

"Well gotta go a music company invited me I need to go there now or I'll be late"

"Good luck, Miku" Rin happily said

*look at her, she's getting popular by the second, Neru! Focus on Len, lets move that aside now*

"Hey Rin can I borrow you're phone?" I asked

"Why would I?"she asked

"Because I want to have you're number"

"Fine here" she said as she gives me her phone

*WOW this is easier than I thought it would be, now the only thing to do is to delete Len's number and put mine and name it as Len's PERFECT!"

-I gave her phone back-

"Thanks" she said

Len's P.O.V

*Why is Neru here? And why would she want's to borrow Rin's phone?*

I went downstairs to see Neru

"Neru, good morning why are you here so early?"

"To see you, ofcourse" Neru responded

"Uhm,why?"I asked

"Because I love you ofcourse"

"What? you lo-" I was interrupted by Rin before I could finish what I should have said

"She says she wants to go home" Rin added

"No I didn't! Are you jealous? Aren't you?"she responded

" NO IM NOT!" She shouted and she turned pretty red

*woah 2 girls fighting over me I'm so lucky! But what should I do in these situation...*

"Why are you blushing then?" Neru asked

"I just... Love len..." She says unexpectedly

"REALLY?!" I asked 

*ofcourse she does idiot the two of us confessed two days ago...*

"As a twin ofcourse" she says

*ouch, she should have told Neru the truth so Neru will stop being a stalker...*

Neru's P.O.V

*damn it I wasted a lot of time because of her well the important thing is that I have Rin's number and my number to her is Len's name so every time I text to net she will thought its Len but it was me its totally worth it the only thing left is to ask Len to go to the mall with me*

"Fine I believe you, what kind of siblings love each other anyway? That would be soooo immoral"

"Ye-yeah..." They both responded

"Well so Rin if what you have said is true please let me talk to Len for awhile"

"Fine" she said then she went upstairs

"So Neru what is it?" Len asked

"Uhm... Can you..."

"Can I what?" He asked

"Uhm... Go to the mall later?"

Len's P.O.V

*what is it now? Hmph well I do need to get out sometimes I'm probably sure I told her yesterday that I have someone already so she won't expect me to love her but I didn't told her it was Rin if I do it will give us a lot of trouble*

"Yeah we can, what time?"

"11:30 let's meet at Zoey's cafe at the mall" she said

"Well sure I'm going to get ready"

"Ok I'm leaving then see you later" she said as she was going to go out


Neru's P.O.V

*great the only thing to do is to text Rin that she and Len will go to the mall too and if she see's me with Len eating at the cafe, it would be FUN!!! HAHAHAHA oh how cruel of me*

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