Chapter 11: Revealing The Truth

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Neru's P.O.V

I should apologize to Rin... And I should stop taking Len away from her. Even though I really love Len... I don't know.., just remembering their past feels horrible... and should I tell both of them that they are not really Twins? I already asked my Father and my Mother to have a DNA Test to them after what happened like years ago and the result was NEGATIVE. Both of them aren't really twins. But what did the guy meant about when he said to Tei " So, they're the wrong kids that I was looking for." what did he meant when he said that? I was really confused. I am also confused on how they end up together, I mean, Len and Rin

I went downstairs and I wore my new shoes that Meiko gave me, even though we're not really close, we're still friends with Meiko.

As I walked outside I saw Hatsune Miku, that annoying girl who likes leeks. Like seriously, who eats leeks? Especially when they are raw,.. ewww. But even for the fact that she's a Leek eating monster. She is quite popular, much more popular than me. A lot of guys, even girls are lining up to her for an authograph, as I saw those people all going to her I feel quite jealous, but this time I heard a person said " OMG It's Akita Neru! " as soon as that girl shouted my name, a lot of people went to me and begging for an Authograph... well this is quite unexpected, but I felt great.

Miku's P.O.V

Oh it's Neru, I should go to her. I signed the last person in line and walked up to her.

" Hey Neru! Quite busy signing those authographs huh? "

" Pretty much,... weirdo."

" Hahaha you and your attitude."

" So what do you want from me? " She asked, actually I don't really need anything from her

" Nothing... wanna go to Len and Rin's house? " I asked.

" Sure. "

Len's P.O.V

I'm really dead bored right now... I should check my Twitter if there's anything new.

As I checked my Twitter I saw Shiina's tweet about me wearing a Maid's Outfit... the heck! How did she know? As soon as I saw that tweet, I saw a lot of twits to me and people are asking if it is true, and if it is they want a picture of it! The heck! My life is ruined...

" Len, what are you doing? " Rin came inside the room, bringing a glass of water and some junk foods.

" Rin, did you told Shiina about the maid outfit? She twitted about it! I thought you won't tell anyone about it! " I complained to her.

" What? Of course I did not! Wait... she TWITTED it?! Oh my god I gotta see this "

" Whatever, "

" But seriously, I didn't told anyone about it, not a single soul! " Rin defended herself.

" So who might have told her? Or I mean, how did she know? "

The doorbell rang, and it's probably Miku, I went downstairs leaving Rin, reading a lot of tweets in her twitter. As soon as I open the door, it was who I expected it was. It was Miku... but with a rare sight... she was with Neru. I never would have thought to see the day that Miku and Neru will walk together going from like ''Point A to Point B' as I would explain.

" Hey there Banana-kun! " Miku said with a cheerful voice. Neru remained quiet. She might have felt guilty about what happened last week.

" Hi, come in, both of you. " As they went inside, I heard Rin going downstairs.

" What are you doing here Neru? " Rin asked with an annoyed voice.

" I came here to apologize... I'm sorry about what happened last week. I tried to kiss Len even though I knew both of you are in a relationship. "

" Hey Neru, it's alright. You don't need to apologize anymore, it was my fault anyway for not living up to our promise " I said, trying to confort Neru.

" Promise? What do you mean promise? " Miku and Rin asked curiously.

" Oh yeah I forgot to tell you Rin, well.. it was still when we were still young, I promised Neru that she would be my Girlfriend when I reach 14 ... " I explained

" Well that promise is over, Neru, Len already have me. " Rin said, trying to make sure Neru won't do it again.

" Yeah.. That's why I went over here to say sorry, do you forgive me? "

" Yes, I do. "

An awkward silence occured until Miku broke it.


" Wait no! " Rin and I protested.

" Are you crazy Miku? What would our fans think about me and Rin if they'd figure out our relationship! It would ruin our career, not only ours, your career might end to since we're part of the same group! "

" Hm fine! " Miku frowned.

" Wait.. were you the one who Twitted about the Maid Outfit? " Rin asked.

" Yeah! "

" Wait, what Maid Outfit? " Neru asked.

" It's nothing " I said.

Phew.. that was close...

Neru's P.O.V

Should I tell them about that they aren't really twins at all? But what would happen after that? And I just remembered. What happened to Luka after that incident. I should really tell them.

Miku just went upstairs to her room to practice her vocals. This would be my oppurtunity to tell them.

" Len... Rin I need to tell the both of you something ." I sitted at their comfy sofa.

" What is it? " Len asked.

" Remember the incident? From years ago? "

" What about it? "

" I knew the reason why they want both of you to be executed. "

" What do you mean Neru? " Rin asked in a curious voice.

As I explained the details to them, including what happened to Luka they were in shock, Rin felt so sad remembering their aunt. As I continue to explain things they we're really surprised to hear what I said.

" Both of you are not Twins. "


Guys I am so very sorry that I didn't updated my story for like 9 months! I was having a crazy Hiatus... I feel quite guilty for that,I might try updating a lot more even though I'm busy from school so yeah... Stay tuned for more chapties! ^_^

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