Chapter 3: Flower of Promise and Jealousy

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Len's P.O.V

Another day came and I'm here waiting outside of our room for Rin

"Rin are you done?" I asked

"Yes". She said and went out from the room.

"Ok, let's go." I said.

"Hey!!!! Len-kun, Rin-chan" where are the both of you going?

"We are going to the movies at the mall with Kaito and Meiko" I said.

"How unfair! You didn't told me!" She said.

"We can wait if you want" Rin said.

"Nah, nevermind you lovebirds can go ahead" Miku said with a grin on her face.

"What?!, me and Len are siblings we don't have a romantic relationship" Rin said with a blush.

"Yeah that would be immoral if we were" I said

"Oh I didn't ask if the both of you have a relationship well we cant control our feelings and by the way Mikuo went home early i think he has a severe nosebleed last night" Miku said as she chuckled.

"Oh look at the time it's 3PM we're late, lets go len" she grabbed my hands and ran to the door.

"Rin wait" I said

"Late? It's still 1:45PM" Miku said

Rin's P.O.V

At the mall...

"Looks like we are so early, Kaito and Meiko didn't arrived yet" I said

"While we wait I'm going to buy new clothes you can come if you want to help me change" he said with a smile.

"Pervert!" I said while punching his back.

"Ouch, We'll nevermind " he said

"Thats what you get"I replied

An hour passed

I was just exploring at the mall it's been a year since I came here and while I was walking a girl with a long yellow hair passed by and said "I won't give up, I will steal him from you." I looked behind me if she was there but she vanished I was curious who is that person and her voice sounds familiar.


Len's P.O.V

"Woah these clothes are cool" I was just checking the clothes at the mall and plenty of them seems nice I can't even pick.

"How about this one?, yeah this ones great!"I picked the clothes and gave it to the cashier so I can pay for it after I got it I saw petals of a yellow flower and it's made of plastic it was weird, I looked around and I saw a girl running it looks like she was running away from me...

"Hey Len lets go where's Rin?" Kaito came

"Oh there you are, we were waiting for the both of you I will go call her" I said as I was finding Rin's number.

"Hey Len, Kaito, Meiko sorry I was just checking something." Rin said as she ran towards us.

"It's fine, lets go in" Meiko responded

After the movie all of us went home, nothing really happened I was suppose to make the next move but nothing really happened.

"Where's Miku?, she should be here" I said

"She's probably buying some leeks agian don't worry, I will go up stairs and change" Rin said

"Ok" I said then Rin went upstairs...

"Ahhhhhhhhh, Len HELP ME!, SOMEONE'S THERE!" Rin shouted I ran as fast as I could upstairs and I saw Rin crying at the corner.

"What happend Rin?, don't worry I'm here." I said I was a bit scared becuase I didn't know what happened.

"It's the girl I met back in the mall I saw her she has long yellow hair but I can't really see her face becuase of the mask she was wearing." Rin said with a scared voice

"Wait are those... Yellow flowers and petals all over there" I said with fear.

A small creepy laugh came near the door I slowly went there and I saw...

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