Chapter 4: Akita Neru has arrived.

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Rin's P.O.V

Len went inside and saw Miku's phone ringing because of her alarm clock.

"Nah, it's only Miku's phone and the ringtone is the 'laughy laughy laugh ringtone',"

"...that's a wierd... title..." Len said. I nodded my head in agreement. I mean, who the hell would make that a title on a ringtone? The composer's probably crazy.

"But there's someone here a moment ago and I heard someone coming from the door." I said after a while.

"Maybe you're just imagining things. Don't worry I'm here always at your side." Len says with a smile that makes me cheer up.

An hour later Miku arrived.

"Oh hey! You're early," Miku said with a cheerful voice.

"Oh, hi there Miku, and where did you go anyway?" I asked.

"By the way, I'm so sorry about those yellow petals! I was putting them there for some good luck in this house, well that's what that girl told me." Miku said, avoiding my question.

"What girl?" I asked.

"I don't know, I even didn't saw her face." Miku said.

Len's P.O.V

"Let's not worry about that for now." I said. And just in time, the doorbell ringed.

"Coming," I called out.

When I opened, I was so shocked that I can't even say a single word... It was Akita Neru!

"Hi Lenny-kun, did you miss me?" She asked me in her seductive voice which made me want to gag.

"Ye-yeah I miss you, come inside," I said as I panicked inside.

"Oh Lenny, you're so cute as always!" She said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"Stop calling me that." I said and I didn't even know that I'm blushing about until Rin came and asked why I was red.

"Len? Why are you red and who's that girl with you?" Rin asked.

"No I'm not!" I shouted.

"She's Akita Neru my childhood friend don't you remember her?" 

"Hi Rin, it's me the person you met at the mall, remember?" she said with her voice being creepy.

Rin's P.O.V

I knew it! !t was her! Her voice was so familiar I should keep Len away from her... but if I will.. I thought as I looked at her in shock.

"Wait... The two of you met at the mall? Why didn't you tell me?" Len asked, 

"Well I was lazy to tell you anyway, Rin can I talk to Len for awhile?" Neru asked, batting her eyelashes at my twin as I gritted my teeth.

"Yeah, sure." I smiled fakely.

But in my mind I was like " Hell no, why did I say yes, I'm so stuuuppppidddd!!!!"

"Let's go Lenny-kun." Neru said as she grabbed Len's hand then went outside the house.

"Wait don't run!" I heard Len's voice before they disappeared.

"What's going on Rin?" Miku came in and asked me as she looked at the door where Neru and Len walked out confusingly.

"Akita Neru arrived, Len's childhood friend." I said with a hint of anger in my voice.

"Oh, another girl? You should spy at her, she might steal Len from you," Miku chuckled.

"Stop joking, I don't like Len that way." I protested.

"Oh come on, tell me! Oh, and don't worry; I allow twincest." Miku laughs.

"TWINCEST?!?! NO WAY!" I shouted.


Len's P.O.V

"Oh Len it's been years since we met." Neru said as she looked at the sunset.

"Yeah, you've changed a lot Neru." I said softly.

"You did too, I wonder what's the size of your thing now because it's been years that I haven't saw it." She said then she chuckled. I blushed.

"Wha-what thing? What do you mean?" I said as I panicked and I my face is much more red than a tomato.

"Oh nothing, well are you ready?" Neru asked.

"Ready for what?" I was confused.

"Oh don't tell me you forgot."

I forgot what? Did I have a promise or something? Oh no... I couldn't even remember what she is talking about!

"Forgot what?" I asked.

"When you've made a deal with me about when we reach the age of 14 we will be a couple together and you even said that you will never turn back on a promise." she said.

What?!?! She still remembers that it was a long time ago and we were just still kids.

"But I can't..." I told her.

"Why do you already have someone?" Neru asked curiously.

"Yeah, but I can't tell you, I'll just meet you tomorrow because it's already dark, bye." I said as I 

"Phew that was close!"

Neru's P.O.V

"My, oh my Len I'm not done with you yet, in the end you'll be mine." I grinned.

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