Chapter 37

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I sat on Hades' lap as he did paperwork and talked to Alphas. I didn't want to leave him today since he almost sent me back to my old pack. I combed my fingers through his hair as his temper snapped. He would calm down and be rational before another Alpha called. It was kind of comical to watch, but he was pushing through the rage.
After a while he took a break and dragged me to the kitchen, grumbling about food. I chuckled as he made me sit down and said he would make me lunch.
I moaned as I bit into the grilled cheese. He is like the God of grilled cheeses.
"Hades, this is amazing!" I beamed, taking another bite.
He grinned, "My mom's special recipe."
"Am I ever going to know that recipe?"
I laughed and shook my head before grabbing my glass of water. I drank the rest and set the glass down, feeling full. He quickly cleaned the kitchen and then sat down beside me.
"So, what do you want to do today? We could go to the mall or-
"I want to go for a run." I chirped, cutting him off.
He smirked, "Wanna race?"
"No, you're a cheater."
"Awe, is Celina scared of losing?" He mocked, grinning.
I narrowed my eyes, "Listen you little shit-
"Hey guys! I just found a-Uh, damn, I'm leaving." Jackson voiced as we glared at him.
"Wait! Does he cheat when you race him?" I asked, sprinting over.
Jackson glanced at Hades before smirking, "Yes."
Hades scowled at him, "Do not."
"Yes, you do. Anyways, I just found this cool rock and-
"No one cares about your damn rock, Jackson! I do not cheat!" Hades continues to argue.
I rolled my eyes, "Don't be so rude! He was talking about his rock!"
"Anyway, it has crystals in it!" Jackson beamed.
Hades shrugged, "I have a rock in my office and it's called a diamond. I also have something rock hard in my pa-
"Don't you dare finish that sentence." I snapped.
"I do what I want." Hades replied while folding his arms across his chest.
I stared at him before shaking my head. "We're going on run, mind-link is if there's a problem."
Jackson nodded then walked away, admiring his rock. Hades followed me with a smirk on his face. I continued to glare up ahead, trying to ignore the fire in my core.
Damn Alpha.

A/N: Sorry if this sucks...I'm not focused. My best friend passed away 😔

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