Chapter 66

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I opened my eyes and frowned, why am I in a cave? It took my mind a minute before all the memories came rushing back and so did the sobs.
The snapping of a stick had me paralyzed with fear. I waited for a second, but no one came and grabbed me. After a few more seconds I relaxed enough that the sharp pain in my foot had my attention.
I bit my lip, running for a while on a foot that was stabbed with glass wasn't my greatest idea.
I tried inspecting it, but when something moved again I froze. My heart started to wildly pound in my chest at the thought of the pack finding me and yelling at me again.
When Hades suddenly knelt in front of the small cave I was hidden in I freaked.
I tried moving further back, but I was already pressed up against the wall.
"Celina, what's wrong? What happened to your foot?" He asked, seeming concerned.
All the things he said to me yesterday came rushing back. Tears rolled down my face, causing him to become even more concerned.
I know he was drunk, but what if as soon as we get he drinks again? I didn't want to face that all over again.
"Baby, please tell me what's wrong? Why is there a bruise on her cheek? Did someone fucking hit you?" He continued asking.
I just stared at him as I started to hyperventilate.
Noticing my panic attack he sighed and backed away.
"Hades, uh...Liam took a video of the party last explains why she's like...that." Melody's voice sounded.
Hades furrowed his eyebrows before disappearing for a second.
I heard the video playing, all the insults, laughter, and the smack. I winced at that part and started crying again.
"Oh my goddess..." Hades whispered.

He came rushing back to me which had me freaking out again.
"I am so so sorry, Celina. I-I....didn't mean to. Damn it, I shouldn't have gotten drunk. Please, Celina, I didn't mean any of those things." He pleaded.
"Hades, she's terrified. Jackson slapping her could have triggered her fear of abuse." Melody said softly.
"My insults didn't help either." Hades mumbled.
I kept looking at him, maybe once this fear goes away I'll act normal. But as of right now I was still on flight mode and now I was trapped.
Hades gave me a sad look before nodding.
"Celina, can you at least come back to the house? I promise no one will say anything. But there are rogues out here and Elvira could show up at anytime and harm you. So, please? I won't touch you." He whispered.
I shook my head, no way in hell am I going back there.
"Fine, then I'm sitting out here until you're relaxed." He stated.
And for the next three hours he literally sat there. He didn't look at me, he just kept looking ahead. I could see the guilt on his face, but I could still smell the alcohol.
When I finally felt the fear go away I could think more clearer. I eventually decided it would be best to head back.
Even though the thought of seeing Jackson sent chills of fear run down my spine.
I started to slowly crawl out, making sure I didn't hit my belly.
Once I was out Hades looked up and sighed in relief. He went to walk towards me, but I whimpered.
He stopped and nodded, "Okay, let's go."
I turned and started to limp back to the house. Hades kept telling me it would be better if he held me, but I refused. I honestly didn't want anyone touching me right now. They've done enough, even if it did last for a few minutes.
When we reached the pack house everything was cleaned up and no one was around. I hesitated at the door, but pushed it open and slowly walked in.
"Hey, you're back! Are you okay?" Melody asked, rushing towards me.
"Melody, stop. She's still scared." Hades ordered.
She skidded to a halt and gave me a guilty look.
"I am so sorry, I shouldn't have gotten drunk and should have watched Hades like I said. I'm so, so sorry." She apologized.
I didn't do or say anything, instead I limped past her. I could see Melody hang her head in shame from the corner of my eye.
I sighed, she didn't hit me or insult me last night. Even if I am ticked off at her for not watching Hades, he's not her kid and she has the right to have fun too. Even though I don't see how bullying your Luna is fun. Yet, she wasn't exactly part of that whole ordeal.
I turned towards her and nodded, telling her I forgave her before turning back towards the stairs.
Walking up the stairs was a pain in my foot. By the time I reached the top my foot was killing me. I internally groaned as I looked down the halls.
"Let Hades carry us." My wolf sounded.
"No." I stated firmly.
She sighed, "I know it hurt what he said, but he was drunk. Now he's not."
"I said no."
I blocked her after that and continued walking down the hall. The whole time Hades followed me, but didn't touch me.
I swung open the door to our room and limped over to the bed. I carefully climbed in and laid down.
"Un, Celina, I have to get that glass out of your foot." Hades suddenly spoke, sounding a little nervous.
I opened my eyes and looked at him. He frowned before kneeling beside the bed so we were face to face.
"I am sorry for what I said to you last night. I didn't mean it, and for now on I will never drink again. I'm like my father, I easily get addicted when I drink it.
Not like I'll drink every day, but for that night I end up getting drunk. In so sorry. Baby, please just let me help you." He whispered.
I frowned, but nodded, knowing I needed this glass out of my foot.

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