Chapter 71

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I sighed and marked another day off the calendar. Three months have passed since I found out I was pregnant and now things are getting worse.
Hades hasn't had an ounce of sleep in a week. The rogues are attacking every other day and Elvira is making threats. The only good thing is the fact the pack is learning to respect Hades and I now.
They immediately listen when we say something and they have become very protective of us. The whole pack is excited for the triplets, saying that Hades needs a family.
I frowned at this, he could of had a family of the pack didn't shun him. I was still angry by how they treated him, but I didn't focus on that much.
I looked over as Hades walked in, there were dark circles under his eyes and he was pale. I sighed and walked over, I gently cupped his cheek.
"You need to sleep, I can take care of things." I murmured.
Hades frowned, "You're pregnant, you shouldn't be doing anything."
"Until my belly is huge and I can barely get out of bed, I'm working."

He gave me a thankful smile and a kiss before literally falling into the bed. The minute his head hit the pillow he was out like a light. I kissed him again before leaving.
I sat down in the office and noticed a list of his best warriors that could become Beta. But they were all crossed off and Jayden and Melody were written down. I smiled at this, he's not taking her title away.
I decided to search through his desk and grinned when I found a book. I grabbed it and opened it up, instantly I froze.
I stared at the picture of a beautiful woman that had light brown hair and green eyes. She was slightly tall and thin, but she was the athletic thin. Standing beside her was a man with black hair and brown eyes, his facial features looked similar. Then I looked at the boy and knew why the man looked familiar. He was Hades' father, which explains the facial features. The only thing he got from his mom was her smile and eyes.
I smiled softly and turned the page. There was another picture of a young Hades sitting on a bench eating ice cream with his dad. I frowned when I saw a young Jackson and his father.
Jackson was glaring at Hades with so much hatred that it bewildered me. Why was he acting like a friend to him and thought of him as a brother? It's clear he highly disliked Hades in this picture. Maybe it changed over time, but I don't know.
I bit my lip, I could go ask him. I mean, he's chained to the wall in a cell. After a minute of deciding I got up and walked out of the office.
When I reached the dungeon I nodded at the guards and walked to his cell. I peered into it and winced, he looked terrible. He was bloody, bruised, and thin. It was almost like something out of a horror film.
I took a deep breath before walking in. He looked up with a glare sketched into his face. He growled lowly, but when I growled louder he stopped.
"What do you want, Luna?" He spat.
"Why do you hate Hades yet you stayed beside him for years?" I asked, getting straight to the point.
He sighed, "If I got close enough to kill him then I would become Alpha, then you came and my plan changed."
"What do you mean?"
"I had to get you to leave, at the hospital I tried, but failed. Then I tried when we were drunk, I wasn't, but Hades was. In his drunken state it's very easy to confuse him, make him see someone out of the past.
A certain woman gave me a special liquid that I mixed into his drink. That caused him to see someone else instead of you." He explained. "But you still didn't leave and now...well, I'm rotting in a cell."
I nodded, "What about Melody? Was she just someone you could use?"
"Don't you dare talk about her!" He snarled, his eyes growing black.
I smirked, "Why did you abuse her?"
"So she wouldn't tell Hades my plans. It would have ruined everything! We could have been Alpha and Luna!"
"But now look, she wants nothing to do with you and you're rotting down here. Where you'll never become Alpha."
"How can you be so sure I won't? I can still escape and kill him."
I slowly knelt down and smiled. I leaned into his ear.
"Because if I see that you hurt Hades in any way I will have you begging for death."

I backed away and got up, with one last glare I walked out.
"I'll kill him! I'll fucking kill him!" He shouted.
I growled lowly, "You won't kill him in twenty-four hours."
"What is that supposed to mean?"

I ignored him and walked out before shutting the cell door and locking it. I then walked back to the stairs and told the guards to watch him extra carefully. Even though he asked me, he knows exactly what is happening in twenty-four hours.

I walked back up the stairs and down to the office. I walked in to see Hades sitting at his desk. He looked up and placed the book from before down.
I swallowed and smiled innocently.
" was your nap?" I asked.
He folded his arms across his chest, "I didn't take one."
"Oh...why not?"
"I had to see something real quick and decided to check in on you. Why were searching through my stuff? And why did you go down to the dungeon?" He questioned.
I bit my lip, "I was curious about the book and then I saw a picture of Jackson giving you a nasty look and I got curious again."
"So, you went down to talk to him?"
He sighed, "He could have hurt you."
"He was chained and badly beat up. By the way, he dies in twenty-four hours." I stated.

He frowned, "Why?"
"He threatened to kill you." I stated.

He got up and walked over to me, "And it pissed you off?"
"Well, yeah, you're mine. If I wanted you dead you be dead by now." I said with a shrug.
He chuckled and kissed my head, "You're a piece of work."
"But you love me."
"Yes, I do. More than anything."

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