Chapter 79

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I sat silently in the basement with the others. Fear has encased me as I continued to worry for Hades. I kept glancing at the door every now and then, hoping he would just walk right through. Yet, after almost fourteen hours he wasn't back.

Doubt and dread mixed together, causing me to become even more worried. I sighed, ready to check on everyone when I felt a large puddle of water around me.
My heart skipped a beat as realization dawned on me. What the hell? I'm not supposed to be giving birth yet! Why the hell did my water break? I was in complete panic as I started crying out for help.
Three women came rushing over to me and started to help me to some bed. They gently laid me down and called for the doctor.
When I caught view of her I relaxed a little.
"Why am I going into labor!?" I shrieked.

She sighed, "Usually, when someone is pregnant with triplets or more, they don't go the whole nine months. Your babies are born prematurely. I would go into greater detail, but I need to get these babies out as soon as possible.
There could also be an infection in there." She explained quickly.

"I've only been pregnant for about six months now!" I shrieked.

"Three months isn't as bad as the last woman that was pregnant with triplets. Now, take a deep breath. I'm going to d a c-section...but I don't have any of the numbing medicine." She whispered.

I swallowed, this is going to hurt.

After goddess knows how long all of my babies were finally born. However, it was bitter sweet. While two of my babies survived the third was struggling to live. I held her close though, along with my two boys. Tears pricked my eyes as the doctor grabbed a small oxygen masked and it put it on my baby girl's face.

"This is the best I can do, I'm going to find a heart monitor and some other things. Just be prepared for her know..." She murmured.

I nodded, "I know, thank you."

She gave me a warm smile before walking away. I kissed all three of their heads, praying that all of them will survive.

"Okay, she's actually getting a bit stronger. Which is strange..." The doctor mumbled as we watched over her.

I looked at her, "Why? Is she not supposed to be getting stronger?"

"No, it's strange that her werewolf genes are already kicking in. At a young age some of the werewolf strengths are seen. However, her body is awakening them to keep her alive. I've never seen this before, but this may mean she'll shift at an early age." She explained.

"Like what age?" I asked.

"Five years old."

"A pup can't survive that." I whispered.

"Well, you never know." She gave me a smile as I glanced at my daughter.

I smiled as she opened her eyes a bit, those beautiful emerald orbs looked up at me. My smile grew wider, she looks like her daddy.

"If you're like your daddy, then I know you'll survive shifting at five." I whispered to her.

I stayed with them for a few more hours until I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. Fear encased me as I stood up and rushed to the basement door.

"Luna, where are you going?" A woman asked.

"To protect my mate." I stated before rushing out.

I shifted and sprinted through the forest. I pushed myself faster and faster, forgetting about the fact I just had three babies not too long ago. Thank goddess that I heal fast though.

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