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A/n- Credit for this goes Alligat0rs I must say I absolutely love what she wrote! She is an incredibly talented writer! I wouldn't have thought of this xD Enjoy! -LL_17

Kyle and Julia
Katrina and Xavier.

Before Xavier turned bad.
Doing dishes after supper. Think of them like 15 ish.

Kyle POV

"It's your turn to wash, Xavier!" Julia winked, shoving her brother over to Katrina, who was drying the dishes. Julia then walked onto her brothers other side, scraping the dinner scraps into the garbage can. I sighed as I took the freshly dried dishes from Katrina and put them away.

Xavier shot daggers at Julia, but proceeded to wash dishes.

Julia gave me that look.

A happy one, that made my heart melt. Dad said he always got flustered when he liked mom, but I think it's a little different since mom used to be stuck in dads head.

Until he rebuilt her.

Anyway, she was proud of herself for getting Xavier closer to Katrina. I mean, any blind man could see they belong together.

Forever. They are so cute.

Ew. Now I sound like a girl.

I balanced a cup on my finger, and placed a fork inside, holding up a plate. "Balance is the key," I explained in my Sensei voice. Julia laughed, looking over and making me wrap around her finger a little more.

"Patience is a virtue," Julia continued, eying Katrina who picked up her fathers impatience. Katrina tossed me a dish and I gently caught it on my foot, bouncing it a few times and getting the weight, then kicked it back to her. She snagged it out of the air and frisbee tossed the plate back to me.

I spun, catching it between my fingers. The fork, plate, and cup that I was balancing flew in the air. I did a backflip, watching the fork carefully and catching it, so it didn't stab me, in my teeth. The plate slid on top of the other one, and I frisbee tossed, or whizzed, them toward Julia, who had her back turned, while I caught the cup.

Xavier saw them coming and reflected them away from his twin, toward me. I did a handstand, letting the plates fly past the spot where my face used to be. I flipped up right and caught them, hurling them back toward Xavier.

What I didn't see though, was the knife Katrina threw at me. Julia stepped in front and blocked it with a spatula, before picking up both objects and spinning them around and around before whizzing them back to the two love bugs, who had hidden themselves behind the open drawers.

They curved and went straight for them. I ducked as a cup flew my way, catching it on my foot once again and drop kicking it back. I pulled Julia behind the table for shelter.

"So," she whispered, eyes dancing with fun, "me and you against them?"

Awe! Whoops. Reminder, I'm a guy.

I peeked out and nodded, as Xavier blocked the cup and Katrina caught it quietly. There was seriously no noise except a few breaths being taken in.


Fourteen plates flew our way, one on fire. I snatched the fire one, placing it in the sink, while grabbing the other out of mid air, sending them back.

Julia sent five flying at once.

Katrina did a roundhouse kick, sending three back our way, while Uncle Lloyds son blocked the busy fire ninja, returning our throws.

We worked hard. One mistake and one crash, we would be discovered, and boy, that wouldn't be fun.

Could you imagine Uncle Kai's face?

Soon, along with fourteen plates, eleven cups, one spatula, four forks, two spoons, and one knife were being tossed around.

And then Xavier, being Xavier, added a frying pan.

But, first throw, Uncle Cole walked in.

And that's where the games stopped. We literally all froze as he turned his mad eyes, (and a little dazed since Xavier hit him with a frying pan) toward us. "ZANE! KAI! LLOYD!"

Our concentration stopped and all the items fell to the ground, shattering.

Oh. No.

Julia nervously bit her fingers and Katrina hid behind Xavier. I glanced around the room at the shattered room.

My dad was going to kill me.

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