Xavier Takes an Arrow to the Knee

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A/n- I don't typically do POV's but it seemed appropriate for this one.
~after Xavier gets permission to propose~

*Xavier's POV*

I sat at the dinner table trying to act normal. In truth, I was as nervous as a cat near water. I planned to take Katrina out tonight and propose but those plans had gotten smashed. Her mom was sick and she had decided to take her cooking shift. That was my selfless Katrina, always thinking of others.

Skylor felt well enough by dinner to come sit with everyone. I secretly wondered if Kai had asked her too. He knew what had been messed up.

I wasn't angry obviously. Poor Skylor-er-well- hopefully future mother-in-law had been working hard. I may just have to come up with an alternative to going out.

"Alright, Xavier," Katrina said kicking my foot underneath the table. "Why are you so nervous."

"Me?" My voice squeaked. I cursed my nervousness. Now everyone knew I was nervous. "Why would I been nervous?"

She gave me a wife look. I found that funny because she wasn't even my wife yet.

"Maybe he has something that's making him nervous?" Kai said smirking.

Oh great! Now he was just putting gasoline on the flames. Haha, no pun intended on my part. But seriously, he was going to ruin it!

"Xavier!" Katrina said kicking him again.

"Uh," Xavier said. "I'm nervous that-that- that Cole and Noah ate all the cake!"

"Hm?" Cole asked looking up with a mouthful of food. "Wha he say?"

"He said that he is nervous about us eating all the cake," Noah said.

"Why?" Cole asked with his mouthful.

"Cole, chew with your mouth closed," Amaya said looking away in disgust. "That makes me sick to my stomach."

"Everything makes you sick to your stomach," Cole countered.

"And whose fault is that?" Noah asked leaning towards his dad. "Some alone time you said?"

"Are you still going on about that?" Jason asked Noah.

"Would you guys quiet down?" Stephanie asked. "Lexie is sick and trying to sleep."

"We aren't yelling!" Jason yelled.

"Yes you are," Natalie said to her brother.

"He is not!" Luke jumped in.

Now I am pretty sure he was just trying stoke the flames there too. It would make sense seeing as how he is Kai's kid. Oh man! He is going to be my brother-in-law! If I ever get a chance to propose that is!

"Would you all shut up!" Winston whisper shouted.

"Oh my word," Garmadon said putting his forehead on the table.

"Would you all stop so I can figure out why Xavier is nervous," Katrina asked.

Okay, I am really starting to get mad. This is why I wanted to go out and do this! I've had enough!


*Katrina's POV*

I saw Xavier start to look angry and then he jumped on the table. I gasped as a plate crashed to the floor.

"Xavier Jay Garmadon!" Aira shouted. "What are you doing?!"

I say Lloyd's dad try not to laugh at his wife's exasperated tone of voice. For some reason Uncle-well-hopefully some day Dad- thought it was cute when she got like that.

"Did that get everyone's attention?" He asked in a very annoyed tone.

"You have our attention," Kyle said. I saw him kick a piece of glass away from his foot.

"I wanted to leave tonight for a very special reason and was unable too," Xavier explained in a calmer but still annoyed tone.

"What are you rambling about?" Noah asked rolling his eyes.

"I wanted to do this," he said.

I watch as Xavier jumped off the table and onto the floor. He walked over to my side of the table and took both of my hands in his. He pulled me to me feet.

"Xavier, what are you-" I began to ask. He put his finger on my lips and pulled something out of his pocket.

He got down on one knee and held something up. Was that a ring? Was this what I think it is?

"Katrina Marianna Flamey (yes, I know it's Smith; but for consistency's sake I'm saying Flamey.)," Xavier said after a deep breath. "Will you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?"

I gasped and looked around at the shocked faces of everyone else in the room. They most certainly were not expecting that.

"Are you kidding?" I yelled excitedly. "Yes!!"

I jumped into Xavier's arms even though he was still on one knee. He fell over laughing as I fell beside him. I laughed at our being on the floor. I kissed him and hugged him.

*Third person POV*

"That is not what I was expecting at dinner tonight," Noah said after dropping his fork.

"That is so cute!" Aira and Skylor yelled at the same time.

"Spare me the sight," Kai said looking away from the kissing couple.

"That has got to be the weirdest proposal ever," Cole said.

"Yet very appropriate for this family," Zane laughed.

"You got that right," Jay nodded.

A/n- This scene was requested by @tmntfangirl5 :) hope you enjoyed!! -LL_17

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