Chapter 1- All I'll Ever Need

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Alive- Chapter 1

"Brody, it's time to get up," I whispered to my groggy four year old. I kissed his forehead. "Well, I'm making breakfast. Bacon and eggs; your favourite," I smiled as his eyes shot open and he sprinted to the kitchen.

It had been two years since his dad had been arrested and I was quite pleased that he didn't remember a thing of it. If he had...well I didn't know what I would do.

"You know Mummy's working tonight, right?" he nodded vigorously. "Aunty Olivia will be here to watch you after school, ok?" These last couple years had been a nightmare. Without my sister I have no idea how I would've managed to keep my sanity.

I looked over at the clock, 7:54. Brody was about to miss his bus.

"Oh shit-aki mushrooms," I stopped myself before it was too late. "Brody! Up, up, up! Time for school!"

The bus was pulling up just as I got him out the door.

"Bye Mom!" He shouted back at me.

"Bye sweetie!"

I was about to head back into the house and get ready for the day when I heard a crash come from down the street.

I looked over and saw two boys, a moving van and what seemed to be a pile of boxes that had been knocked over. The boys seemed to be bickering over who's fault it was about the boxes. I shook my head and laughed.. Boys would be boys...

My sister showed up at the same time as always. About twenty minutes before I left to work and half an hour before Brody got home from school.

We were sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee when she piped up.

"How do you do it?"

"How do I do what exactly?" I responded looking up from my book.

"How do you look after a four year old, maintain a household, pay the bills and manage to fit some school time in?"

"Well Liv, there's something called sacrifice. I work from 12:00pm until 10:00pm, Monday to Saturday and I don't really have much of a social life anymore," I sighed. "But I don't regret having Brody. He's one of the biggest blessings in my life. No matter how much of an accident he was."

She smiled at me and took my hand in between hers.

"You know mum and dad would let you back at anytime. You just have to ask. Mum really wants to talk to you Al, she misses you. We all do.

No matter how disappointed they were when you told them you were pregnant, they still loved you. They knew that you knew you'd made a mistake, that you were sorry and that your child would be in the best and most capable hands." I smiled slightly.

"I know. But I'm just fine as I am right now. I have everything I could ever need. A roof over my son's and my head, food, clean drinking water and a family who loves me," I gushed. "Cute time over," I exclaimed looking at my watch. "I've got to get going."

", I guess. I'll see you at ten Al!"

"Bye, love you and make sure Brody does his homework!"

"What homework do kindergarteners have?"

I pulled back into my driveway at around ten past ten. Brody should be sound asleep by now.

Walking into the house I saw Liv fast asleep on the couch with Brody in her arms. I smiled and put a blanket over the two. I gently slipped the remote from Livvie's grasp and turned the tv off.

"Sweet dreams."

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