Chapter 4- The Hills

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Chapter 4


The boys rode up the side of the mountain on their mounts. The oldest of the three stared off into the distance. Something about this place made the short haired brunette cringe. His horse seemed to agree as it was refusing to stand still as his brother and their friend retrieved some water from the brook.

"Hurry up boys," he called as their horses started pawing the ground as they grew more and more skittish. He heard laughter and the younger boys emerged from the trees.

"Oh lighten up Greg. Nothing's going to happen," Greg's brother laughed as he scowled down at them.

"Just meet me at the camp site Niall," Greg replied while rolling his eyes, turning his horse and cantering off down the trail.

As the boys were just mounting their horses they heard the shrill scream of a horse. The two boys shared a look and galloped off, concerned for the well being of their companion.

When they reached the clearing the younger boy dismounted and called for his brother. He spotted a trail of blood and followed it deeper into the tree line.

"Greg...this isn't funny..."

A little ways in Niall stopped and put a hand to his face. There lay the broken body of his brother's horse and best friend. He kneeled by the horse's side and stroked it's neck. The black steed was still warm.

Liam, the older of the two pulled him up.

"We can come back for him. You're brother's still in trouble Niall," Liam explained. That's when they heard a cry off in the distance. The younger boy sprinted off immediately; screaming his older brother's name once again.

"Greg! Answer me!"

When they reached the spot they saw Greg sprawled out on the ground, completely still. The young boy screamed in agony at the sight of his brother's cold body. He fell beside him and put his head on his older brother's chest; sobbing.

"'s all I have left...Liam...he's my only family left..."

His friend reached out to comfort him, in a state of shock, but was pulled back by a strong hand. He felt a sharp pain in his neck he screamed in pain. The whatever it was pulled away and Liam fell to the ground, to weak to rise.

"Niall..." he managed to croak out before screaming in agony. It was as if acid were coursing through his veins, burning him from the inside out. He clawed at his chest, surely leaving long red marks. He was in pain. So much pain. Whatever was coursing through his system was killing him slowly.

He saw Niall stand up from his brother's side and start to come over to him, but he was grabbed by the collar of his shirt and dragged into the woods.

"Liam! Liam!"


(Present Day)

*Niall's POV*

Liam pulled up to the site. You could see where there had been a fire. I looked over to where a small cross marked where the mangled body had lay.

"I really hate this place." I said while placing my hand by my jugular vein as the all to familiar twinge occurred. Liam smiled quite bitterly. Mirroring my actions.

"I know. He was a good man." I sighed, scanning the surrounding area. A twig snapped behind me, human.

When I turned around there was a girl no older than 15 dragging herself out of the woods and into the clearing. She was covered in blood. I stopped breathing as to resist the urge to attack her.

"Liam," I whispered shaking his shoulder. He turned and gasped, rushing over, picking her up and putting her in the back of the Jeep. He'd always had better self control than me.

"Hunting's going to have to wait a couple of day's. Is that alright Niall?" I nodded, keeping my eyes off of her. Just thinking about the blood made me want to lose control.


No. She's a girl. Not food.

So much thirsty...

I felt my fangs pop out and I licked my lips.

"Give her to me Liam," I mumbled. Liam took one look at me and went right into defence.

"I don't want to fight you Niall. Please, calm down."

"To hell with that idea," I said before looking up at him through my lashes and letting a shriek pierce the air and charging.

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