13. Fall

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Heeeey guys I'm back and I missed you guys so much. I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in forever I have just been so busy with both of my soccer teams and school but I'm back now and will hopefully be updating every week!

A picture of Sam's dress is on the side.

Hope you guys like it


Sam's POV

"Guys why did you take me here? Couldn't you have just left me home to swim in my own self pity?" I say to Harry and Louis as we get out if the car.

Both of them grab one of my arms and start pulling me into the woods.

"As much as we'd love to so that Sammy I think you'll have a much better time here." Harry smirks.

"Well where are we goooing?" I whine.

"That's for us to know and you to find out." Louis says.

After a countless minutes of asking where we were going and why, I still had no avail. We were just walking in the woods but we must be close to a body of water because I can hear the waves quietly crashing onto shore, very peaceful.

"Will you guys at least be careful this is a new WHITE dress, and I really don't want to get it dirty." I look down at the mud puddle in the middle of the trail that I had to jump over previously.

I had on a white strapless dress with a navy blue poke a dotted sash across my waist. My hair flowing in loose curls down my back with the pair of shoes that Niall got me for my birthday.

I hear Louis mumble something about a drama queen to Harry.

"I am not a drama queen!" I shout when a sound drafts through my ears it sounds like a guitar. But why would there be a guitar out here.

"We're here." Harry says turning to me.

"Finally!" I step out in front of them to get a better look at why they dragged me all this way out here.

I look around, there is sand all over the ground -we must be close to a beach- a clearing about the size of my room is ahead of me. Torches sit at random spots on the ground all of the surrounding a table are for two,with my teddy bear sitting in the middle. The trees surrounding us are beautiful, especially this one in particular that's sitting I across from me. The tree sitting higher that the ground so you can see all of the roots branching out. I gasp, sitting atop the roots is Niall wearing a red polo shirt some khakis and the shoes I bought him for his birthday.

"Bye guys" Louis turns to leave but then comes back, "Oh and remember don't be silly cover your willy."

"Louis!" I say surprised.

"Don't go a pokin till 'I Do' is spoken.' Harry pipes in.

"Not you too." I groan.

"Don't do that thang till you get that rang." Louis says.

"Okay bye guys see you latter." I say trying to rush them out.

"Now remember son have her back by 10:30 sharp you got that." Louis says sternly to Niall.

Niall salutes, "Yes sir."

"Okay you guys can leave now. Bye."

"They grow up so fast!" Harry fake cries in a high voice pretending to be a girl, and they finally walk back to their car.

I turn back to face Niall to see he is playing his guitar again.

He sits there strumming a familiar tune but I just can place my finger on the name, finally he looks up and starts to sing.

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