1. patience, pizza, and perfect asses

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A/N: Well...hello! This is my book and it's okay and it may be long (at least I think it will be) but hang on, it's a roller coaster ride.

Enjoy this shît show of a book. It's technically my first boyxboy but I've had to have read a billion of those stories and wolf books to add onto it. I love them and I hope you do too.

Adios and enjoy ;)


C H A P T E R O N E:
patience, pizza, and perfect asses



There's this boy.

Someone I love deeply. And right now, I'm wondering if I deserve him. If all these wounds wouldn't have breeched his smooth skin, if my scars wouldn't have looked like a tattoo that he can't look at without feeling guilty.

It's complicated. We're complicated. But that makes us who we are. And we're mates. But for you to understand, for it all to make sense, we have to go back to my eighteenth birthday; March 17th, 2015.


One week.

In one week, I would turn eighteen years old, the age that my father, older brother, older sister, and best friend found their mates. In a blind, backed up inference, I knew I'd find her that day. The one person I'd love for the rest of my life.

Ever since I was a child, I had dreamed of meeting my mate. Her beauty incomparable to others, her sparkling fur and the emotional connection we would immeaditly have. It sounds unbearably cheesy but everyone keeps talking about how amazing it is and now I was the last man standing. Alone.

And I couldn't wait for this week to be over.

"Hey, smarty pants! Pass me the napkins please." Trisha, Daniel's mate groaned, blindly reaching for the pile of napkins beside my tray.

I shrugged, "Maybe I don't want to." Stubbornly, I stuck a piece of broccoli in my mouth and smiled at her.

She flipped me off, chewing on chicken. Daniel lowered her hand and reached over me, snatching a napkin and throwing it at her. "Thanks, baby." She kissed him on the cheek and he smiled.

I only stared, my thoughts once again coming back to me. I must have drifted off in my made up image of her, as I sometimes do, because Trisha snapped her fingers in front of my face before grabbing a tater tot off my tray and pushing it a little, getting up with a wave behind her for me. Daniel patted my back, throwing out my trash for me. "I know your close, just don't get ahead of yourself, you still gotta live your life, Match."

Rolling my eyes, I stood up, my chair screeching against the tile floor harshly, "As philosophical as always."

He rolled his eyes, walking forward and sniffing, looking for Trisha. I followed behind silently, trudging to my next class.

I wasn't the soon to be Alpha, much less a solid member of the pack. Because my mother was a rouge before being taken in by the pack, our family is a bit...judged. The only way I can explain is like this: my father was a engineer, my sister a model, my brother a jock. And then there was me. The nerd. When you push your glasses up your nose most of the time and try really hard in class, the label is usually pretty prominent. I was the lesser of one of the lesser families, far from the front runners, Parlia and his younger brother, Livator. Interesting names, and from what I've heard, interesting people.

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