38. drunken secrets

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A/N: Am I back a day later? That's crazy.

Well, I've got something real juicy today, folks. Hold onto your trousers because nothing is about to make any sense at all.

What can I say? I'm an enigma.

Enjoy ;)


T H I R T Y-E I G H T:
drunken secrets



'Just reject him already.'

'He's nothing but scum.'

'You're in the Alpha family, and you want a rogue?'

I squeezed my eyes shut, curling up and pulling the blanket tighter around my body. I needed my wolf to stop. I needed him to shut up and let me sleep. I couldn't take this perpetual anger and frustration anymore, it was eating me up from the inside out and I felt the hollow hole in my body growing with each remark.

'Find our mate!'


I snapped my head towards my door, heavy footsteps cracking against the wood floors. "What the-"


Jumping from the security of my blankets, I ran to my door, slowly pulling it open to see who was calling me so loudly in the middle of the night.

"Liva! We need to talk!" A tall, asian boy held the railing tightly, climbing the stairs slowly, loudly.


What was he doing? Why was he screaming so late in the night, especially for me? He knew we couldn't see each other, not if our wolves were gonna act like this. Why was he making this so hard?

He breathed out sadly as he made it to the turn in the stairs, looking up to see me peaking through my door, eyes wide, mind not really taking it in,
"I need to tell you some-Liv!"

Clenching my jaw, I looked down the hallway, all the doors still closed, nothing disturbed.

"Livator! There's something I need to say!" He drunkingly yelled.

"Be quiet!" I whisper yelled.

He fell at the top of the stairs, "Liiiiiivaaaaaa! I need you to tell me something really bad! Liv, we need to talk! Let's-"

Sighing heavily, I ran out, clamping my hand over his mouth. He continued to send out a stream of clumsy words as I pulled him into my room. Taking another look around, I shut and locked the door, turning just in time to catch him as he fell into me.

"Jesus, Matches. Where've you been?" His clothes smelled of booze and sweat and he was way more drunk than the last time.

He chuckled in my ear breathily, closing his arms around my waist, pulling me against him, "Mindy." His voice was wistful and I growled, pulling away. Mindy. He followed me to the seat at the end of his bed, falling into it. He laid his head against the bed, mumbling incoherently.

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