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You and I
Weren't meant to be
Yet we were

Baseless conversations
Irrelevant accusations
Yet we stuck like glue

I hated the words
You wrote like petal flowers cascading under the stems
You told me I was just like that

When did we fall?
Was it before or after?
When did we begin?

You say I don't belong
But have you noticed that under your fake eyelashes
You didn't either?

Let me tell the tale
Of two lovers that fell
But did we really?

Sometimes I sleep and sometimes I think
When did we begin?
Was it worth it?

The feelings that rushed when you touched me
It all came falling down
You were the storm inside the clouds and I was the calm sea

Did I give you my heart?
Did I give you my body?
I don't remember but I know I didn't give you my soul

A person like you
Have it

There we were
A little girl and a little boy
Standing under the trees

The rain came falling down
Drenching our feet
Soaking in our shoulders

Your eyes were black
Mine were too
But our moods were ever blue

You asked me my name
I asked you yours
You predicted the weather's likelihood

I prayed to God
That I reached home
But guess what? I never did

You touched my shoulder and said
"Are you afraid?"
Was I?

Did my expression say it all?
Did you know?
Did you know that we were a broken bridge about to fall?

There are some things that aren't meant to be said
To be written
To be listened to

But then again, our story was different
We began
We ended

But in all of these
We fell
We broke

Our story wasn't about love
It was about how two strangers
Began and then again began

It was how much the words weighed
Behind those dark creases in your forehead
Behind those smile lines

After all we were two little lovers
One girl and one boy
Love afflicted, conflicted

Everything that, deep down,
Will hurt like

It was
And Me

It was everything

It was ours to begin with and end with

It was Us

So without further delay let's


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