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Bright lights dance around the skyline like withered away leaves
Jade hues of ombré tint the cloudscape as that of summertime
Wondrous respite from the gray dull hairs of the world
wash away indefinitely
Sleeping figures of kernels lie awake in mysterious gloom
Awaiting the arrival of humidity
The porcelain daintiness of the marbled white clouds
simmer and hide the strength of sunshine
Whilst the rain pours like that of a broken dam
washing away every microbial penny
Dew drops drive into the leafy edges filtering the earth anew with something much more than aerial nutrition
The hopes of long lasting peace is infinitely in the minds of many
A corporeal dream lasting only in the stems of mind and soul
As the first light dawns through the skin of parchment white
The mindful misery of the dry eyed greens are renewed  to the essence of living.

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