1. New girl

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"Thanks for buying tickets, I hops you like the show tonight." I smiled to another fan.

"Of course! I love your band, what's it like being the new girl? And how are you and Denis?"

"We don't speak and I'm not the new girl. I've been in this band for a year and it's time that people started acting like it." I snapped.

"Snappy much today?" Kir chuckledas we walked on.

"You know how I feel about being referred to as the new girl, or a replacement for Denis. He's in the past." I rolled my eyes.

"Get all the bitterness out Mia, because when you see him soon you can't verbally assault him." Kir chuckled.

"Unless provoked by him, I know." I sighed. We were about to link up with Asking Alexandria, touring with them, and I was thrilled, except for the seeing Denis bit.

I had been a huge Asking Alexandria fan up until Denis joined the band. How could you like a band when somebody you hate is in it?

"I know it's tough for you to see him again, but think about all the good publicity the band will get if you two are friends again." Chris chimed in.

"I will never be friends with that jerk again." I snapped.

"I know he broke your heart, but that doesn't mean that you have to hate him forever. You all had a connection once, you could be great friends."

"He broke my heart and insulted my work. Are you all choosing to forget his tweets?" I raised my eyebrow.

When they announced my joining the band Denis had tweeted 'Sad to hear that D&D has gone downhill. Good luck lads.'

Denis was an egotistical jerk. I had no idea what I had seen in him two years ago.

"We gotta move on. We talked recently and we are cool. That's the only way that this tour is going to work, is if we are all on good terms, and you are on your best behavior." Chris pointed to me, making me put my hands up innocently.

"I'll play nice. But don't you dare take his side after he left you all to further his career."

"Is this the heartbreak speaking?" Chris chuckled.

"Of course not. I'm over it."

I'm so not over it. Denis and I had a bad breakup two years ago, approximately one year before he left Down & Dirty.

Why did we break up you ask? Groupies. God forbid that he would be faithful to his girlfriend of two years.

Denis thought it was perfectly okay to have an open relationship, he was the famous one after all. He could have had any girl he wanted, but now the joke is on him. Guys were practically falling at my feet now, and he was nothing more than a distant memory, a memory that I would forever feel hurt from.

Kiryll knew that I was less than thrilled about this tour, but he signed us into it anyway, said something about it giving me some closure. Then he made an Asking Alexandria pun using the song Closure. My bandmates were idiots, but I loved them a lot.

"You ready for this?" Kir asked me as we reached the venue, it had been a bit of a walk from where our bus was parked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said as I glanced down at my outfit.

Leather jacket, black top, ripped jeans and boots. I looked good, my hair was in messy curls and my makeup was done nicely.

I may have not wanted to see Denis, but since I had to, I was trying to make an impression, make him a bit sorry for being a complete asshole.

I turned towards Kir nervously.

"Do I look alright?"

"I would fuck you." He winked, making me shove him to the side.

Kir always joked around about banging me, but was pretty much like a brother to me.

"Let's do this." I said as he opened the door, me and my band walking into the room, immediately capturing the attention of the five men sitting down.

My eyes immediately met Denis's brown ones, mine narrowing into a glare as soon as we made eye contact.

He ended our staring contest quickly, getting up and hugging his boys, stopping in front of me.


"I'll pass on the hug." I glared at him, stepping aside him and shaking his band members hands.

"Ben." The one with the wavy hair stood up, kissing my hand gently, winking at me, which made Denis noticeably uncomfortable, sending his bandmates glares as they greeted me, all of us eventually sitting down, my band on one couch, his on another.

"So are you excited to be supporting us?" Denis cleared his throat.

"It's just another tour to us. Don't get cocky." I shrugged.

"There's a fine line between cockiness and confidence." He smirked.

"And you crossed it."

"Mia." Chris hissed at me, obviously worried about me losing my temper. My sass was only the half of it.

"I crossed a lot of your boundaries kitten. And you liked it."

"You know what they say about big egos?" I smirked.

"What?" He smirked, intrigued by my wit.

"Means you have a tiny cock." I said, causing everybody in the room to laugh hysterically.

"Funny. You weren't laughing about my cock when we were fucking." He smirked, causing everybody to laugh some more. "You've changed Mia." He smirked.

"Well you haven't changed a bit Stoff. Still as stereotypical as ever." I smirked.

"So you're a little spitfire now." He smirked. "I look forward to spending this tour with you." He winked.

"Let the games begin."

A/N: So here is my new Denis book. I got this idea from  a friend of mine and I am beyond excited for it. Hope you all enjoy!❤️ -Anon

Down & Dirty (Asking Alexandria, Denis Stoff/ Denis Shaforostov)Where stories live. Discover now