5. Interrogation

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"That's ridiculous." I laughed, rolling my eyes at a comment Sam had made as we all walked back from the venue to our respective buses.

"No way! That's completely realistic." Denis laughed.

"You all are absolutely ludicrous." I rolled my eyes.

"Like the rapper." Ben chuckled.

"We all enjoy a bit of rap." Denis smiled.

"That I can agree on." I smiled a bit at Denis.

He then began to rap horribly, causing us all to stop in place.

Note to self, don't try to rap because the Russian/Ukranian accent will make it sound ridiculous.

"What!" He acted offended at our laughter. "It wasn't that bad."

"It was pretty bad." I laughed, causing him to shove me playfully, me doing the same to him.

Things had been much better the past few days with Denis and I being on somewhat okay terms. Everybody seemed more at ease, and he and I tried to be more okay around everybody to make them feel more comfortable.

It was for everybody else. Not ourselves. He had pushed my boundaries a bunch the past few days, and attempted to hug me, which I quickly shot down and had to resist the urge to punch him square in the face.

But other than that it was going well.

"Night guys." I waved as we reached our buses, splitting into our respective bands.

My band crashing on the couches immediately, knowing that I got first shower tonight. We had a rotating system after shows, a different person went first each day.

I quickly showered, braiding my hair, throwing on a beanie and a sweatshirt with some athletic shorts before I came to the living area and laid my head on Kiryll's lap, yawning.

"That was a great show tonight."

He nodded, chuckling.

"It was indeed little bit."

"I am not little." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You barely reach my shoulders."

I huffed in annoyance at him, rolling my eyes.

"So what's up with you and Denis?" Kir finally asked.

"What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrow.

"You haven't been horrible to each other in a few days, I assume something is up."

It's taken three whole days for any of my numbskull bandmates to ask why I wasn't hell bent on kicking Denis's ass all the time.

"Oh, we came to an agreement that we would be cordial so it was more comfortable for everybody."

"So you two aren't..." He trailed off.

"No! Of course not! We won't go back to that. How could you assume that we were dating!" I gasped.

"Well to be fair we all assumed that. Right Chris?" He yelled towards the bathroom where Chris showered.

"Yeah!....what am I saying yeah about?" He yelled back, making all of us laugh.

"I can't believe you idiots thought that. Don't worry. That would never happen. I don't date band members, let alone frontmen."

"I'll remember that." Kiryll chuckled. "But I'm proud of you for being the bigger person and talking all of this over with him, making things right."

"Well you will be less proud when you find out that it was Cassells idea, and that we didn't talk things over. We just kinda agreed not to make each other's lives a living hell. Nothing earth shattering."

"So you two are at least friends."

"Acquaintances." I corrected him.

"Why are you so against being friends with Denis." He laughed.

"Because I don't want to get attached." I sighed, I was finally letting my vulnerable side out after all this time.

"Attached? Why do you think that you would get attached?"

I sighed, sitting up and placed my hands under my leg.

"Because Denis was my first love, and the only guy I have ever loved in that way. I don't want to get hurt by him again by being friends and then having something happen to make us not be friends anymore."

"So you choose to be miserable so you aren't miserable?" He looked confused.

"Precisely." I nodded. "Just being around him is painful. Brings back memories of how it used to be."

"I'm sorry Mia. If I knew how hard this tour would be for you I never would have agreed to it. I just really missed my friend." He sighed.

"Don't apologize. I love all the guys in Asking. They are super kind and some great friends. Besides, my life doesn't revolve around the Denis situation. I'm having a fucking blast out here. The American crowds are insane. It's a completely different feel from Europe." I giggled.

"It has been a fun one."

Finally Chris emerged from the back area. He had been the last one to shower tonight, which meant that we could all watch a movie, our usual tradition for Monday night shows, just a little something that bonded our band together, pulling us close as a family.

"So you and Denis were getting flirty tonight." Chris wiggled his eyebrows, causing me to shoot daggers at him with my eyes, shoving him violently off of the couch.

"Okay I take it back." He coughed, getting back up.

"She's still got the rage. Good to know that our Mia is still here and just as feisty as ever."

I laughed, settling back down into my laying position. This was where I belonged, happy with my family.

A/N: Filler chapter! But it's my second chapter today so...yeah.

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