9. Catching up

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"So what did I miss?" Denis asked me as we sat outside on the curb next to the venue, sipping coffee, a biting chill in the air.

"What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrow, using one hand to sip my coffee and another to adjust my beanie.

"I mean in the two years that we didn't talk, what happened in your life?" He chuckled as if it was obvious.

"You know, you really don't do this whole starting over thing well." I laughed.

"Shut up." He chuckled, sipping his drink. "I'm serious though, what's been going on in your world?"

I shrugged. "The usual. Touring. Living."

"You're a cryptic person." He chuckled.

"You ask general questions." I shrugged, taking another sip.

"Fine. How are your parents?"

My heart sank. He hadn't heard.

"They passed away a year and a half ago." I looked down.

"Mia, I'm so sorry." He looked genuinely devastated for me. My parents had loved Denis when they met him, and they had gotten along quite well back then.

"It's alright. I mean, it sucks. But I just have to keep going. Moping around won't bring them back." I sighed.

"I'm so sorry that I didn't know though, I would have been there for you more." He sighed, giving me a tiny hug.

I could tell after he let go that he was quite surprised that I had let him hug me.

"What's that face for?" I laughed a bit.

"Just shocked." He chuckled.

"That I hugged you?"

"More so that you let me hug you."

"Starting over remember?" I laughed. "How are your folks? Sisters? Nephew?"

He smiled at the mention of his nephew. They had a special bond.

"They are all great. Never been happier."

"That's good." I smiled.

"And what about you? Still breaking hearts?"  He chuckled.

"No." I blushed. "I've never been much of a heartbreaker."

"Well every time I saw you post with another guy my heart broke a little bit." He said nonchalantly, making me shove him playfully.

"You are ridiculous." I laughed.

"I'm serious." He said after he stopped laughing. "You posting pictures with a bunch of other men made me jealous."

"It's been two years, and you were the one who made me end it."

"If I could go back in time I would have done it all differently." He sighed.

"What do you mean by that?" I bit my lip.

"I wouldn't have hurt you. I was young, stupid. I still am, but if like to believe that I am less dumb now."

"You're still pretty dumb." I smirked teasingly.

"Hey!" He gasped, offended.

"I'm just kidding. You've grown up a lot." I laughed.

"Damn right. I'm a man now."

"With lots of tattoos." I looked his arms over. "Last time I saw you, there was a dagger on this arm." I pointed to his left arm.

He laughed. "Yeah I got that covered. Nothing is as awesome as having matching tattoos with someone you met while you were drunk." He chuckled.

"I tried talking you out of it that night!"

"I know, I should always listen to you. What about you, do you have any tattoos?" He asked.

I nodded, smiling softly.


"Can I see them?"

"You already have." I laughed. "You were just drunk and don't remember." I said, bringing up our drunken fling a few days back.

"Can I see them now?" He rephrased the question, making me laugh a bit.

I lifted my hair to show him the date of my parents death, just under my hairline, then lifted my shirt, showing him my hip which read: Мое солнышко which translates to 'my sunshine'

"Why Мое солнышко?" He asked.

Denis knew what it meant, in fact it was what he used to call me. My mother also called me that, that's the main reason I got it.

"My mother used that nickname a while before she died. She thought it was adorable so that's what she called me for about a year." I smiled at the fond memories.

"I used that nickname too." He smiled a bit as I dropped the shirt.

"She kinda stole your idea." I laughed. "She told me you weren't going to use it anymore so she would."

"Мое солнышко." He muttered. "Those were some great years." He smiled.

"Crazy, but great." I smiled. "I'm glad that we are where we are now." I smiled.

"So am I. It's nice not being on edge around you."

"With you as well. By the way, with all my horrible comments, if I said anything too bad I want to say sorry. I was just hurt by the past and kinda got caught up in my anger. I have a bit of a temper."

"Your temper is cute. It's one of the things that makes you; you." He smiled. "Besides, I've heard much worse in my lifetime. Don't worry about me. If I said anything too bad I want to apologize as well."

I was about to respond when the venue door swung open and Ben poked his head out.

"Okay, I love the fact that you two are bonding and all that friendship stuff, but can you please come in and soundcheck so we can all nap?" He groaned.

"Yeah." Denis laughed, getting up and offering me a hand up which I gladly took. "Let's go Мое солнышко, we have work to do.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed!

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