naughty ashton.

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Ashton: 4 year old headspace
Michael: papa
Luke: dada
Ashton's pov
This morning, daddy woke me up saying that we had to go to and interview. That meant that I has to be a big boy. *sigh*. I love being little Ashy though.
"Hey buddy, what do you want for breakfast?" Papa said kissing my forehead. I shrugged. Soon dada came downstairs, and we ate. Then dada took me upstairs to change me.
"Ashy buddy I know you don't like it, but you have to be a big boy today." Dada said. I sighed. "Okay" within a few minutes i was back to normal ole me. "Ashton?" "Luke?" "Okay lets go down stairs." Da.. luke said.

"Hey little buddy!" Michael exclaimed picking me up putting me on his hip.

"Michael put me down. I am a grown man." I said.

"Ya know I like little Ashton better, he's nicer." Michael said.

"Yeah I like him too." I mumbled. We all got in the car and got to the place where the interview was going to be. We got here 10 minutes early so we waited in the dressing room. I got up to go to the bathroom.

"Where you goin bud?" Calum asked.

"Bathroom." I said. I got to the bathroom,but i really didn't have to go I just sat in there. I got so bored in the dressing room though. I felt myself slipping into my headspace. Eventually i did.

I waited for Papa, Dada, or Daddy to cone because I couldn't open the door. I thought they were coming so I started to cry.

"Ash, you alright? C'mon we need to go into the interview." Daddy said through the door.

"Daddy?" I asked.

Calums pov
No no no no. He can't have slipped. Not now.



"Ash, slipped."

"What did he hurt."

"No guys he slipped!"


"Yea. Aston can you open the door please?" Luke asked.

"You can't come in dada."

"And why not?"

"You make me be big ashy."

"Ashton come out or Daddy will go tell the people we can't do an interview and we'll go home and uou can sit in the cornor." Michael threatened.

"No Michael Don't!" What he's never been able to become big by himself.

"Ashton just open the door." I sighed.


"I'mgonna go tell them he's sick." Luke whispered. Me and Michael nod.

"This is the last time I will ask nicely, now please open the door." Michael said sternly.


"Guys! I got a key to the bathroom!" Luke said finally coming back. He unlocked the door. What I saw was terrible. Ashton was curled in a ball crying his eyes out.

"Ashy." Michael said voice softning.

"Please,don't hate me papa!"

"Ashton don't ever say that!" I shout. And he flinches. I pick him up and hold him close to my chest. He just cries "what's wrong buddy"

"I don't what I did, and daddies is mad at me!" He said.

"Buddy, don't you remember coming out of your headspace?" Luke asked.

"No dada!" Ashton said.

"Alright how about we go home and watch Tom and Jerry?" Michael asked. Ash nodded and I picked him up. Before we even pulled out of the parking lot, Ash was asleep.

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