adopted niall

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Hi guys i know this isnt one of the boys but my cousin gave me this idea and i thought it would be adorable.

Niall: actual age of 4
Luke dada
Calum das
Michael papa
Ashton daddy

Ashtons pov
Management thinks its best for our lookvif we adopted a kid. And since I'm the only one over 20. I will be the one who signs for it. So here we are infront of an orphanage. Its a brick scary place with lots of graffiti on the building. We walk in and we are met with a lady who looks just plain miserable.

"Hi we are here to adopt a kid." Michael said.

"Okay well go in there and when you found the right one, come get me." The lady said. We nod and go in different ways.

Calums pov.
I went to the 3-6 year old rooms. I got in this one room and there was groups of kids playing. Then I see one in the back by himself. So me being me, I go bavk there.

"Hi." I greet. A barely hear able "hi" is responded. "What's your name?"

"Niall." I hear back

"Thats a cute name." I state.

"Fank you."

"You're welcome. Would you like to meet ny friends?" He shrugged. I called for the giys and they came in where i was. None of the other kids cared we were there. "Guys this is Niall." I said. They all said a greetings. Niall waved.

"Guys lets talk." Luke said. So we all went out in the hallway.
Nialls pov
I know they won't choose me. They're to cool. I'm lame. My parent left me here 2 months ago when they figured out they couldn't sell me for drug money. I heard over the intercom

"Niall, pack your bags your leaving." The voice i grew to hate said.

The four boys came back into my room and helped me pack. After tgat the start of my new life began.

Hiiiiiiiii guyys.
Sorry if it was terrible. Please comment if i should do a part two or not.

Stat strong beautiful

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